
Monday, September 30, 2019

A Study of Development and Analysis of Plasma and Lcd Tv Industry

(1) Title of the Research Work: â€Å"A STUDY OF DEVELOPMENT AND ANALYSIS OF PLASMA AND LCD TV INDUSTRY AND IT’S IMPACT ON GENERAL CTV MARKET:- WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MUMBAI REGION† (2) Introduction: History and development of audiovisual medium: Perception is the frame of mind of a customer about a particular product or service which customer would like to avail. It is the way a customer look at anything. In short it is the process of perceiving about anything. Customer perception about any product or service is an important parameter in the whole marketing scenario and global economy as well. It contributes to the social, cultural, environmental, political and economic growth of the nation. Post-war mass communication and media studies have had two periods of radical change, the late 1960s-early 1970s and the1980s, of which the former was characterized by the rise of Marxism and the latter by its decline. These transformations did not take place simultaneously in all countries, but as a generalization this seems to hold true. For instance, Frands Mortensen (1994) recalls the year 1977 as the turning point when critical vocabulary in his work began, for the time being at least, to fade out. Mortensen’s fate was shared by many of the turn-of-the-seventies generation throughout Europe, the soixante-huitards or ’68ers’ as the French call them. As a result, some avoided radical thought altogether, denouncing their Marxist past; others changed to postmodernism, while a few still adhered to the Marxist project by trying to reshape it. However, they all had to keep abreast of the new 1980s generation– a generation more in tune with economies of deregulation, individualist policies and cultural anti-modernism. The 20th century has witnessed at least three periods during which the nature and status of moving images have been at the centre of more or less comprehensive cultural-theoretical concerns: one in the 1920s with the stabilization of the feature film and film art; one in the 1950s and 1960s with the emergence of full-blown television; and one from the 1980s to the present with the transformation of television, combined with the introduction of video and computer- based media. One of the underlying assumptions during this 70-year-debate boils down to the idea that if there is one thing that characterizes 20th-century culture, at least its latter half, then it is audiovisuality. It is this view that unites 1920s avant-gardists and cineaste-critics (e. g. Balazs 1982), 1950s and 1960s filmologists in France and Italy (e. g. Cohen-Seat 1961)who receded but were, unfortunately, overshadowed by Marshall McLuhan, and the 1980s postmodernists (e. . Kroker &Cook 1986). In the following discussion, I will, on the basis of this continuing debate, assume the centrality of image and sound media to our century. One of the key issues in audiovisual media theory, then, is concerned with accounting for this centrality of moving images in contemporary life. It is here, I argue, that the Frankfurt School may still prove helpful. In what sense is the 20th century the â€Å"age of the image† (Gance 1927) as well as that of the society of spectacle, entertainment and interaction? Or, how are the increasing audiovisual and aesthetic components of 20th century civilization interconnected? To answer these questions, media theory has to account for four major empirical phenomena and historical periods (for another synoptically view of the audiovisual 20th century, cf. Zielinski 1989): the birth and beginnings of film (The Age of Early Cinema, 1895-1915), the heyday of the standard feature film (The Age of the Classical Hollywood Film, 1920-1960), the replacement of cinema films by television as the major audiovisual medium (The Age of Paleo-television, 1960-1980) and the transformation of television in the new audiovisual landscape of, inter alia, video and multimedia (The Age of Neo-television, 1980-; the terms ‘paleo-’ and ‘neo-television’,coming from Umberto Eco, seem to have established themselves [cf. e. g. Casetti & Odin 1990]). Because these are understandably highly complex and still insufficiently explored issues, let me just give a cursory idea of the explanatory potential of Critical media theory: I will elaborate on the argument that each change of period –from the early cinema to the Hollywood film, from the Hollywood film to paleo-television and from paleo- to neo-television –involves expansion and intensification of some aspects of the general aesthetisisation of the everyday world To simplify matters for this essay, I shall attribute one single explanatory aspect to each change. First, what distinguishes the classical film of the Hollywood type from early cinema is the standardization of three major attributes: the length, type and screening time of the film. As a result, going to the movies means going to see a fiction film at a scheduled time. What this amounts to is to make film-viewing akin to attending more traditional spectacles such as theare, opera or ballet. In other words, it intensifies the spectacularity of films, for from now on moving images are to be received with more sustained concentration. The symbol for this new relation is perhaps first of all the film star, who functions as the imagined object of identifications and projections inherent in one’s relation to the spectacle of films. Second, of the many differences between the cinema film and broadcast television, two are relevant in this context: moving images are privatized as they enter the home and their viewing becomes a daily pursuit. It is in this way that television, like the periodic press and broadcast radio before it, begins to bind the home incessantly to the outside world, which means a tremendous expansion of the interactive potential of moving images. What is new in these image-relations is perhaps captured best by the recurring, wave-like nature of such television programmes as news, fiction series or sport events; it is their ability a community or an audience out of them that crystallises their interactiveness. Third, the change from paleo- to neo-television mainly implies Americanisation, i. e. , commercialization in a multi-channel context, and seems to concern predominantly the development of European television. The struggle for maximising audiences forces channels to find ways both to attract viewers and to allure them to stay tuned. In this process, entertainment – fiction more probably than fact, exciting fact more probably than non-exciting – is likely to gain the upperhand. An application of Horkheimer and Adorno’s culture-industry theory to the Audiovisual 20th Century: the periods, the determinants of the changes of period and the corresponding paradigms crystallising the changes. 895-1915: The Age of Early Cinema : Spectacle: Film star : 1915-1960: The Age of the Classical Hollywood Film : Interaction: News, fiction series, sports event : 1960-1980: The Age of Paleo-television : Entertainment:TV commercial : 1980- : The Age of Neo-television Considering the commercial as the prototype of this trend, but it is such basic virtues of television commercials as non-seriousness (‘nothing really matters that much’) which in the Age of Neo-television tend to become universalised. Granting the centrality of audiovisual media in the 20th century and the heuristic contribution reading Dialectic of Enlightenment may make to our understanding of it, what other reasons could be offered after the adverse 1980s conditions in defence of the re-actualisation of the Frankfurt School in media and mass communication studies? To conclude, let me pursue two further arguments. First, dissatisfaction with French theorizing has for some time now made room for alternative strains of critical thought; this dissolution of the structuralist and post-structuralist dynasty (cf. Steinman1988 on its repercussions on US film and television studies) has benefitted, among others, American pragmatism (Rorty), Soviet semiotics (Bakhtin) and the Frankfurt School (Adorno). As a matter of fact, it has been argued (Hohendahl 1992) that since the 1980s Adorno has become more popular as a research subject than he ever was at the peak of the student movement. Second,if one is to believe the opinion of the majority to be gathered from a recent survey of the field (Levy & Gurevitch 1993), the mass communication research community, especially its US quarters, have been seized by a sense of disorientation. The name of the malaise is marginalisation: media scholars feel as if they are out of touch with more established disciplines (what is more, this feeling is supported by prevailing citation patterns of the field; cf. So 1988). There is no panacea for the situation because the discipline is filled with contradictory pressures, but one could argue, like Graham Murdock (1991), that mass communication research should regain its contact with the general project of the human sciences, which is the historical study of modernity. It is especially here that the tradition of the Frankfurt School, as the ases of Jurgen Habermas and others exhibit, has not reached the end of its journey yet. It is in this sense that the intimate relationship between audiovisuality and what has been termed the â€Å"Short Twentieth Century† (Hobsbawm 1994) turns into one of the key avenues by which media studies can approach and contribute to the study of modernity and its contemporary vicissitudes. (3) In dian television industry The Indian Television industry is going through turbulent transformation. Companies are relooking at their strategies and are desperate for growth. The entrenched position of the Indian market leaders in CTVs’ like Videocon, BPL and Onida has been challenged by the MNCs such as LG, AIWA, Akai, Panasonic, Samsung, Sony, Philips and Sharp; some in a perceptible way and others threatening to do so. The changing environment demands fresh thinking to gain the cutting edge advantage. This study attempts to look at the various customer perception oriented factors operating in the PLASMA and LCD television industry irrespective of the brand of the television Indian or Imported. (4) New developments in CTV industry: An introduction of PLASMA and LCD television in the TV market: Technology may have blurred the differences, but television viewing is more than just about watching moving images. Once you’ve made the right choice, the picture is clearer. Choosing a television set can be quite a daunting task especially if the customer is looking for an LCD or plasma. Choices abound and there are some myths about the technologies, too. Unlike what many believe, there are major differences between the two types and you can’t substitute one type for the other merely on their looks. To be honest, there isn’t much of a hood to look under. But inside the sleek and thin exterior, plasma TVs employ a matrix of tiny plasma gas cells that are charged by precise electrical voltage to create a picture. In the case of LCD panels, liquid crystal display make up the screen. Imagine liquid crystal pressed between two glass plates to which varying electrical charge is applied to create an image. That’s an LCD television. Despite the advances made in LCD and plasma technology, however, there are experts and gamers (they really do use TVs a lot) maintain that CRT (cathode ray tube or our regular TV) still offers the best quality. Depending on customer’s budget and his requirements (maybe in that order of preference), the choice of an LCD or plasma TV will vary. One line of thinking insists that for basic home theatre requirements, plasma screens are slightly better since they can render black better than LCD TVs. This means that the contrast and, therefore , the level of detail on a plasma TV would be better. The reason LCDs cannot achieve as true a black as plasma TVs can has to do with the liquid that is backlit and does leak a little. Improvements are happening all the time and in due course, this should be rectified, but by then, plasma may have become the predominant choice. In addition to the above, one of the major factors in favour of plasma TVs is their better viewing angle. This allows viewers to sit at acute angles and still get a clear picture. But it’s not all bad for LCD TVs. One of the biggest advantages they have over plasma TVs is the price . But even technically, there are some advantages that an LCD TV offers. For instance, LCD TVs have higher native resolutions than plasma TVs of the same size. What this means is there are more pixels on the screen and if you are one of those who like to see every minute detail, an LCD may offer more. Of course, this also depends on the source and an ordinary cable TV connection won’t let you notice the difference. The one myth about LCD TVs that doesn’t hold true for new generation models is the ‘blur’ that was noted in fast scenes or when watching sports (more noticeable when watching a car race as opposed to cricket or snooker! ). This has improved significantly and the difference between a plasma and LCD in this regard is almost negligible. The running cost of a TV is something that many don’t consider. With increasing screen sizes, the power consumption will also increase and in this regard, LCD TVs outscore plasma TVs once again. LCD TVs are said to consume up to 30% less power than plasma TVs. An another downside that plasma TVs suffer from is the screen burn-in. For whatever reason (and we cannot really think of a reason good enough), you leave your TV on with a still image (say you paused a movie), there is a chance that the ghost of this image may get burned in permanently on the screen. Which means that even if you turn it off, a faded image of this will be visible. While newer generation Plasma TVs suffer less from this ailment, it hasn’t been entirely eradicated. And if you are wondering about TV channel logos, they are translucent and don’t leave the same sort of ghost behind! When you are looking at plasma or LCD TVs, you may come across a piece of information that says â€Å"60,000 hours† or some such number. This is the time for which your plasma TV will have optimum brightness after which it will start to fade off. In case of plasma TVs, the accepted duration ranges between 30,000 and 60,000 hours while in case of LCD TVs, it is virtually guaranteed for 60,000 hours. If you actually convert this to days, it works out to about 2,500 days or about six years of continuous viewing. * LCD TVs offer more pixels and so you can see more minute details * LCD TVs are said to consume up to 30% less power than plasmas * Plasma screens render black better than LCD TVs. The contrast and level of detail are therefore better * Plasmas offer better viewing angles. It allows you to get a clear picture even from acute angles. Hence after having the preliminary information we get convinced that, it is the customer’s perception which finally takes decision about the type of TV to be purchased. (LCD OR PLASMA TV) 5) Exact nature of the study: As because the differentiation from the customer’s point of view, is no more existed as far as the PLASMA AND LCD television field is concerned, the researcher is interested to find out the perception oriented competent parameters(dominant areas) which are driving the PLASMA AND LCD television market in Mumbai regio n. In doing so, the researcher will be surveying the customer, user and dealers (retailer) in Mumbai market to analyse the PLASMA and LCD television market. (6) Objectives of the study: a)To identify and analyse various factors influencing the purchase of TV set by the customer. )To differentiate the factors between PLASMA TV and LCD TV. c) To study the impact of new developments (PLASMA TV and LCD TV) on traditional CTV market in Mumbai region. d)To study the current scenario of various companies manufacturing and marketing PLASMA and LCD TV and normal CTV in India. e)To understand the customers’ preferences about the various parameters of PLASMA over LCD TV. IMPORTANCE AND NEED OF THE STUDY: A) Now a days the PLASMA and LCD TV manufacturing and marketing Companies are relooking for the best strategies and are desperate for growth. B) This study will provide the preference of the customer in the changing marketing environment. C) This study will provide the complete knowledge about the factors influencing customers’ preference to the CTV market. D) It will make the supplier alert about his own strengths and weaknesses and ultimately will give an insight to enhance his sales in the market. Also the supplier will be aware about favourable and unfavourable factors of the customer which influence on the profitability of the industry. E) It will be witnessing a new scenario with a new market profile. F) To the layman, however, it’s not the technology and how it works that matters but it’s the quality of the TV that he is worried about. Both LCD and PLASMA TVs offer excellent picture quality. But obviously both have their pros and cons. With this study the producer will get an opportunity to understand the same. Significance of CUSTOMER PERCEPTION in TV MEDIUM: 1)To offer better quality of service to the customer after knowing the perception about the product. 2) It would be more convenient to design better Marketing strategy. 3) Provide fast response to the customer (7) Research Methodology Research Design Research Methodology includes the type of primary and secondary research used for this project i. e. the way in which the data are collected for the research project. The methodology will also include the plan for sampling, the relevant field work and the analysis tools to be sued to interpret the data so collected. Methodology refers to more than a simple set of methods; rather it refers to the rationale and the philosophical assumptions that underlie a particular study. This is why scholarly literature often includes a section on the methodology of the researchers. A Research Design provides the framework to be sued as a guide in collecting and analyzing data. Research can be Exploratory, Descriptive or of Casual type. Amongst this Descriptive Research Design has been chosen to carry out this project. Descriptive Research is carried out with definite objective(s) and hence it results in definite conclusion. This research tries to describe the opinion of the respondents on the selected topic of the project. Hypothesis: 1) Customer prefer LCD TV over PLASMA TV. 2) There is a significant impact of PLASMA and LCD TV on the sales of general CTV. Universe of the Study: The universe of the study is all customer, user, dealers(retailers) in the Mumbai region only. Sampling Plan : About 100 customers(mix of perspective customers and users) and around 50 retailers will be selected as a representative sample from all over Mumbai. As the study is limited to Mumbai city, all the samples will be randomly selected from Mumbai city only. Census is the process of obtaining response from / about each of the member of the population which is not always possible due to the various constraints to the researcher like time, cost etc. In such situations the alternate method of data collection is sampling. Sampling is the process of selecting a subset of randomized number of constituents of the population of the study and collecting data about their characteristics, facts and opinions. Sampling takes lesser time to collect data at lesser cost and also as the data is less its accuracy often increases as compared to huge data. Sampling methods can be classified into probability and non-probability sampling. In probability sampling each unit in the population has a probability of being selected as the unit of the sample which varies as per method of probability sampling is chosen. In non-probability sampling there may be instances that certain units of population will have zero probability of selection because the interviewer considered his / her own judgment, convenience and bias for the selection of the sample units of such sampling. Though the probability sampling gives better accuracy in terms of confidence level of the inferences of the study, there are many practical difficulties in fully executing it6. Further, the sample can also be stratified based on the various governing variables. Appropriate questionnaires will be structured and circulated amongst the sampling units. Sampling Tools The Primary Research shall be focused on Survey, Expert Consultations and Qualitative Research which will include in depth interviews, The specific tools will include. †¢ Questionnaire †¢ Personal Discussions / Interviews schedules. Data collection Data is the basic input to any decision making process in a research study; processing which gives the statistics of importance of the study which can be categorized in to primary and secondary data. A) Primary data: Primary data may be collected from customer, user, dealers (retailers) through schedules and questionnaires. B) Secondary data: Secondary data can be traced from office record, journals, annual reports and other office documents. Analysis & Interpretation of Data: Statistics is the art and science of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and interpreting data7. The reason for analyzing data is to understand the variation and its causes in the phenomenon. Since variation is present in all the phenomena, knowledge of it leads to better decisions about a phenomenon that produces the data. It is from this perspective that the learning of statistics enables the decision maker to understand how to draw conclusions about the large population based upon information obtained from the sample. For the purpose of this research: the thought process that focuses on ways to discover, manage, and decrease the variation present in all phenomenon is statistical thinking; data is the collection of observations of variables of interest while the population is the collection of all elements of interest. This research study is focused on statistical theory in formulating and solving problems. Descriptive as well as inferential statistics methods will be used in the research; descriptive statistics will include graphic and numeric method both. Limitations of the study: a)The geographical location of the study is limited to Mumbai city only. b) Only the impact of PLASMA and LCD TV on general CTV market will be studied under the proposed research. c) Brand differentiation of all available TV sets in the market will not be considered. d) Technological aspects will not be covered in the study. e) The study is limited to the customers in the age group of 25 to 35yrs. 8) Plan of Work |SR. No. |Particulars of proposed research work |Duration (Months) | | | | | |1. |Collection of Primary Data. |4 | |2 |Collection of Secondary Data. |4 | |3 |Typing the Manuscript. |2 | |4 |Proof Reading. |2 | |5 |Development of Analysis Plan. |4 | |6 |Data Interpretation. 1 | |7 |Drawing Conclusion. |2 | |8 |Drawing Suggestions. |1 | |9 |Miscellaneous work. |4 | | | | | | |Total |24 | (9) Chapter Scheme Chapter 1: Introduction: History and development of audiovisual medium: This chapter deals with the historical development in the audiovisual medium and evolution in the field of TV industry. Chapter 2: Indian television industry This chapter covers the actual progress in the modern age in the field of television in India. Chapter 3: New developments in CTV industry: An introduction of PLASMA and LCD television in the TV market: In this chapter, specifically the advancements in TV industry in terms of PLASMA and LCD television and their pros and cons will be explain in detailed. Chapter 4: Exact nature of the study: Here, the emphasis will be given on the latest developments in the field of TV Industry (including PLASMA and LCD TV. Chapter 5: Objectives of the study: This chapter covers the basic objectives behind conducting the study. Chapter 6: Analysis and interpretation of Data: This chapter deals with analysis of data using suitable statistical tools and the presentation of the same. Chapter 7: Conclusion and recommendations: In this chapter the conclusion will be drawn on the basis of data analysis and the recommendations shall be presented. Bibliography: Appropriat e bibliography will be given at the end of the report for all secondary data in the theses.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Greggs plc Essay

1.0 Executive Summary Greggs plc intend to expand their operations into international markets in order to satisfy their overriding objective: ‘to be Europe’s No. 1 Bakery’. Germany has been selected as the host country and justification for this decision has been discussed. Moreover, Greggs will enter the German Bakery market through the employment of a ‘Foreign Direct Investment’ method, more specifically a ‘Sales and Production Subsidiary’. This report outlines the blend of marketing mix components used to position the offering; the implementation method adopted to ensure effective product and service delivery; and the control mechanisms utilised to make sure that objectives are achieved. 2.0 Introduction Greggs is the currently the leading UK retailer in the bakery market having experienced high levels of growth in 2002. The company achieved revenues of  £422.6 million, an increase of 11.9% on the previous fiscal. Its operating profit also witnessed an increase of 11.8% to  £35.3 million in 2002. Their popularity has rapidly increased as consumers are seeking quick, convenient and indulgent foods to complement their fast-paced lifestyles . Greggs is actively expanding their operations and have over 1,200 retail outlets under the Greggs and Bakers Oven brands . They entered into the international arena in 2003 with the opening of two outlets in Belgium. This strategy was pursued in order to fulfil the company’s long-term objective of becoming a leader in the European market place. Further international expansion will therefore satisfy their current objectives and enhance their presence in the European bakery market. 2.1 Report Objectives To justify market choice To undertake internal and environmental analysis for the home and host country To identify the most appropriate foreign entry strategy To tailor a services marketing mix to requirements of the host market To suggest methods of implementation to allow successful market penetration To monitor the progress of this venture through the employment of control mechanisms 3.0 Mission statement â€Å"We intend to be Europe’s finest bakery-related retailer, achieving our ambitious growth targets by attaining world-class standards in everything we do. Our purpose is the growth and development of a thriving business for the benefit and enjoyment of employees, customers and shareholders alike. 3.1 Values Greggs is a customer-focused business, seeking to provide excellent products and services that deliver enjoyment and value-for-money. We are committed to people development, within a considerate culture that combines autonomy and accountability and maintains a strong focus on profitability. In all our activities, we aim to achieve excellence through continuous improvement†. 4.0 – Market Choice Cannon and Willis propose a method of â€Å"simple elimination † to identify a potential host market. This method of market choice ensures that the remaining country satisfies all main criteria highlighted by the  organisation. The diagram below shows a systematic approach to finding a suitable market for Gregg’s expansion. Industrial, economic and cultural factors will be integrated into the selection process as these are central to Greggs’ operations in addition to their main aim: ‘To be the no.1 bakery retailer in Europe.’ Parallel to their objectives, all non-EU countries will be excluded from the selection process. Greggs’ second priority is to enter markets which display fast growth in bakery markets. The countries with the highest levels of category growth are shown below: Figure A Country Cakes and Pastries Market – % Category Growth 1995 – 1999 Portugal 4.60% Germany 3.70% France 3.60% Spain 1.80% Denmark 1.80% Using this table, Greggs may eliminate Denmark and Spain from their market choice selection process. Psychological distance between the home and host country can also determine the success of international activities and thus have been incorporated into the process. The French have a wide selection of elaborate, exquisite and gourmet dishes. This contradicts the typical product proposition offered by Greggs. Although Greggs could consider a focused differentiation strategy targeting niche  markets, the abundance of specialist bakery retailers would suggestively make the French bakery market difficult to penetrate effectively and therefore exclude it from further scrutiny. Portuguese market trends highlight an increasing demand for â€Å"wholesome, family products â€Å". In contrast to the latter, Greggs offer an ‘on the move’ food proposition which is typically consumed individually rather than in a family environment. Suggestively the Portuguese are reluctant to embrace new food offerings as research illustrates a strong preference for traditional cuisine served in traditional restaurant settings . Moreover the market is dominated by both high street retailers such as Podaria Popular and industrial manufacturers thus implying high barriers to entry are high. Having adopted this process of elimination, Germany appears to be the prevailing market choice. Despite the high labour costs, long vacation time and slow economic growth , Germany’s overall economic performance is the 3rd largest in Europe and consequently presents itself as an attractive market choice for Greggs. â€Å"Products with a convenience character are continuing to prove popular in the German bakery market, ranging from ready to eat and impulse products to in store bakery products â€Å". Furthermore, â€Å"across the bakery market, international bakery specialties such as croissants, ciabattas and baguettes are rising in popularity, a reflection of higher consumer demand for more non-traditional or novel products â€Å". This market therefore presents itself as an ideal location for Greggs to expand their international operations. Greggs will pursue a ‘concentration’ technique with regard to country and customer target group. â€Å"A company may concentrate its efforts by entering countries that are highly similar in terms of market characteristics and infrastructure to the domestic market â€Å". This will enable Greggs to minimise risk and benefit from cultural fit. Moreover, as in the UK they will concentrate efforts on a focused target audience. 5.0 – Internal and Environmental Analysis 5.1 – Internal Analysis 5.1.1 Strengths Internal strengths need to be assessed to identify assets, capabilities and core competencies that are transferable to the host country. Greggs is a well recognised bakery retailing brand in the UK which aims to â€Å"create a single and cohesive Greggs brand nationwide â€Å". This is being executed using a coherent and consistent promotion of the company’s proposition and brand across the country. Greggs have sustained a strong cash flow which allows them to invest money in maintaining in their retail outlets, bakeries and brand. Key investments include significant funds spent on production facilities to support the growth of retail operations. Greggs actively seek to position their stores in prominent locations relative to distribution channels and customer access. Greggs stores are typically located in busy and heavily populated towns where their fast and convenient proposition is ideal. In response to the 6.4% increase in demand for takeaway foods , Greggs is adapting their servicescape to cater for these growing needs. 5.1.2 Corporate Culture Greggs operates in a risk taking corporate culture which allows them to be innovative and responsive to market changes. They believe in providing high customer service aiming to retain customers by inducing loyalty and trust. They place great emphasis on motivating and empowering employees as they believe that continued growth of the business is a reflection of the workforce . These competencies are transferable and of equal value to the  German marketplace. Greggs are actively expanding their operations internationally in order to spread risk, increase international brand awareness of their product portfolio and exploit fast growing new markets. 5.1.3 Value Chain Greggs UK have produced a ‘Value Chain Analysis’ which is â€Å"an analytical tool that describes all activities that make up the economic performance and capabilities of the firm .† This can be used by Greggs to exhibit core competences that can be exploited in the host market . 5.2 – Environmental Analysis The environmental analysis aims to identify the current situation of the German bakery market using relevant tools of analysis and international research methods. A PEST analysis has been used to identify influential factors for Greggs in Germany as discussed. 5.2.1 International Marketing Research â€Å"Marketing research refers to gathering, analysing and presenting information â€Å". It is the lack of knowledge on foreign markets that is one of the major barriers an international marketing manager must overcome . It is therefore imperative that Greggs formulate an effective market research strategy as the first step in overcoming this barrier. In this case, international marketing research was carried out for the purpose of reducing potential risk and providing us with a final systematic and objective approach for our proposition. Primary research has not been undertaken due to the limitations of this report. However, if Greggs were to implement this internationalisation  proposal, primary research would be an imperative tool when considering market choice. These could include qualitative methods such as interviews and observation. Secondary forms of research carried out have included Government reports, Internet sources and textbook literature, and further strengthened by journal articles. This variety of data collection methods helps to provide a rich analysis from numerous sources as a foundation for decision-making. From this research the following factors have been taken into consideration when considering Germany. 5.2.2 Social & Economic Environment Social factors, as outlined in the PEST analysis outline the increasing trend towards ‘on the go’ consumption. This reflects the busy lifestyle of the working population in Berlin hence the choice of location. The economic factor of high disposable income also provides an attractive reason for Germany as consumer spending is high. 5.2.3 Prospective Country Culture Greggs may use the Hofstede model to â€Å"identify persuasive fundamental differences of national cultures † and thereby assess their cultural fit. â€Å"According to Hofstede, the way people in different countries perceive and interpret their world varies along four dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinity .† The German culture is a low context and explicit, perhaps ever more so than the British. Moreover, â€Å"the German national mentality is of a relatively high level of uncertainty avoidance. The Germans do not like a sense of insecurity which makes them feel uneasy in business. (Germans work with) hard facts, and sound arguments â€Å". There are therefore slight cultural differences that the UK management team will have to consider upon entering the German market. 5.2.4 Market Competition Competition in the German market is a key variable of Greggs’ success. Figure B- Competitor Analysis Germany cakes and pastries market share (% value) by company Manufacturer 2000 2001 Bahlsen 11.2 9.1 Lady Cake-Feine Kuchen 8.0 6.9 Dahli Kuchen 7.4 7.2 Grossbà ¤ckerei Wendeln 7.0 7.0 Dan Cake 3.2 3.4 Kuchenmeister 7.8 11.3 ABK 9.0 8.6 Private Label 15.1 16.5 Other 31.3 30.0 Total 100 100 It is therefore important to identify, analyse and monitor competitive movement. Figure B illustrates the potential competition in the German bakery market in accordance to market share 5.2.5 Geographical Climate Greggs’ sales are affected only by climatic extremes – very hot weather can depress demand for bakery products, and prolonged rain or snow can make people reluctant to go out and make their usual daily purchases . This pattern is mirrored in Germany and therefore fluctuations in sales must be accounted for. 5.2.6 The German Market The use of the Porters 5 Forces model has recognized the attractiveness of the German bakery market through the identification of barriers to entry and potential substitutes . 6.0 – International Marketing Objectives In light of the organisations resources and competencies, the following objectives have been established: 6.1 Short Term Objectives Utilise promotional mechanisms to encourage trial and to inspire customer loyalty to the brand By fulfilling this objective, Greggs will be working toward securing a loyal customer base thereby defending themselves, to a large extent, from competitors. Conduct quarterly pricing reviews to ensure that prices remain competitive with rivals By ensuring competitive prices, Greggs’ reinforce their commitment to offering ‘value for money’ as highlighted in their mission statement. To ensure all employees receive high standards of training that is reflected in high quality service to the consumer Greggs corporate strategy highlights the importance of a fun and supportive working environment. They promote themselves as being a â€Å"great place to work † and encourage personal development. This in turn reflects on their high quality service offered to the end consumer. 6.2 Long Term Objectives To continually monitor, anticipate and challenge competitor movements in the bakery market. This will allow Greggs to remain innovative and develop new and adapted recipes in response to market changes and consumer needs. To strengthen and build upon our place market to achieve 4% position by 2010. This will be achieved through â€Å"core growth and introduction of new outlets â€Å". It will enable Greggs to be a proficient player in the German Bakery market (see Figure B) To broaden the Greggs product portfolio by 5% year on year. This will permit Greggs to expand their operations, in line with their growth ideals, and additionally offer a larger product range to ever-evolving consumer needs. To launch a further 6 stores in Germany by 2010 thus expanding scope and influence. This will facilitate Greggs strive towards achieving their main aim: ‘To be Europe’s finest bakery-related retailer.’ Increase awareness of the Greggs brand in the German bakery market By attaining brand awareness, Greggs will able to insulate themselves, to an  extent, from the wrath of competition. The German bakery market is largely fragmented thus making it an attractive market for potential new entrants. 7.0 Foreign Market Entry Strategy â€Å"Firms deciding to enter a foreign market face a critical decision in choosing the best market entry mode to service the market. This decision is crucial because it can have an ongoing impact on a firm’s international business performance .† Root (1994) suggests three different rules ‘Naà ¯ve rules’, ‘Pragmatic rules’ and ‘Strategy rules’. However as a result of the increasingly heterogeneous nature of the international market, it is important that Greggs do not generalise their approach, but adapt each entry mode according to the host market. The mode selected in Belgium therefore, may not be entirely applicable to Germany. Based on this rationale, Greggs will be employing ‘Strategy rules’ which is when all entry modes are compared and evaluated before a choice is made . Moreover, according to Hollensen (2001) â€Å"some firms have discovered that an ill judged market entry selection in the initial stages in the firms internationalisation can threaten the firms future market entry and expansion activities â€Å", hence illustrating its importance to Greggs plc. Greggs will need to consider the main groups of entry mode influencers prior to choice in order to identify the most appropriate and profitable mode. 1) Internal Factors According to the Company’s Act (1985), firms with over  £5.75 million in turnover and over 250 employee are classified as large. Greggs more than qualifies this with a turnover of  £422.6 million and employment of 17600 people in 2003. This provides them with an adequate resource capability to open up a sales and production subsidiary in Germany. Moreover, in developing their theory of internationalization, Johanson and Vahlne 1977 assert that â€Å"uncertainty in international markets is reduced through actual operations in foreign markets (experiential knowledge) rather than through the acquisition of objective knowledge .† Greggs have already ventured into Antwerp and Leuven in Belgium hence increasing their experiential knowledge and expertise. Greggs produce is fresh and baked goods. In order to maintain this stance, the only feasible option would be to produce, as well as sell in the host country. Additionally, because Greggs will promote themselves as a British company, they will be communicating a clear differential and competitive advantage. 2) External Factors Both the UK and Germany are members of the European community thereby reducing their Socio-Cultural distance. This proximity between countries will therefore favour hierarchical modes of entry. Due to the proximity between countries perceived risk is reduced. Companies are therefore less reluctant to pursue more involving modes of entry. It has been stated that â€Å"the size of the host country is an important attraction to foreign direct investment † as large and growing markets will make management more likely to commit resources to the development of a wholly owned subsidiary . With a population in excess of 825 Million people in 2002 Germany is evidently a large and growing market making it an ideally suited to a FDI mode of entry. Moreover, the German bakery market is highly fragmented which reduces barriers to entry in the form of dominant competitors. All other variables being equal, the higher the intensity of competition, the more likely a firm is to select an export mode of entry. The German cakes and pastries market is made up of several small players each of which occupy small proportions of the marketplace . This presents itself as an ideal  proposition to Greggs who will be able to establish themselves without dominant opposition. 3) Desired Mode Characteristics The choice of mode of entry will also depend on the attitudes of the decision maker. Although it is difficult to determine how pro-risk or risk averse Greggs Managing Director Sir Mike Darrington is, one may assume from their hierarchical entrance into Belgium that a high risk, expansionist strategy has been adopted and will be pursued. The degree of control that management desire over operations will help establish which mode of entry to employ. Hierarchical modes allow high levels of control over operations ensuring that the latter are carried out to Greggs specification. All else being equal, the greater the resource investment, the lower the flexibility of the business. Consequently, if Greggs pursue a hierarchical mode of entry, they will have to consider their potential limited flexibility. The above suggests that Greggs’ would benefit from a hierarchical mode of entry as it satisfies all criteria for the latter. This is where the firm completely owns and controls the foreign entry mode. However, regardless of the apparent control over operations specified by this mode, the degree of control that head office can exert over the subsidiary depends on how many and which value chain functions can be transferred to the market. Having reviewed all alternatives, its was decided that a Sales and Production subsidiary will be introduced in Germany leaving the Research and Development and Marketing activities to be conducted at home in the UK. According to Hollensen (2001) , having selected this mode of entry, Greggs  will benefit from having full control over the whole operation. Moreover, Greggs has long term market potential in Germany and therefore the ownership of a sales and production subsidiary will enable Greggs to build a strong international presence over a long period of time. This method also eliminates the possibility that a national partner gets a ‘free ride’ and allows Greggs to gain market knowledge directly. A sales and production subsidiary will facilitate rapid entry to the German market allowing quick access to its distribution channels. Plus, no transportation costs will be incurred as raw materials will be purchased in the host country. In addition to those proposed by Hollensen, Greggs may benefit from being able to adapt the ingredients used to German tastes. They can additionally tailor the servicescape to German preferences. Greggs produce is non-durable and therefore it would be inappropriate to needs to be produced and sold quickly as it is predominantly sell fresh food. Retaining R&D and Marketing operations at home will reduce costs and risk. Having established themselves in the German market, Greggs may consider transferring these operations over in the future. Moreover, employing a hierarchical mode will enable Greggs to exploit new market opportunities as soon as they arrive with minimal delay. In line with the latter, Abell (1978) concept of a strategic window states that there are only limited periods during which the fit between the requirements of the market and capabilities of the firm are at an optimum . Investment should therefore be timed accordingly. Although, this method will require a great deal of investment in terms of time, money and commitment, research has shown that â€Å"the profit returns generated by foreign direct investment modes are usually greater than those generated by exporting â€Å". According to the Uppsala Internationalisation Model, companies begin their internationalisation process a) by moving into relatively close markets  first then more distant ones and b) companies entered new markets through exporting. Although at face value it appears that Greggs’ strategy contradicts the assumptions of model, it does however highlight the following exception: Firms that have larger resources can take larger steps with fewer consequences. Arguably Greggs fall under this category. This model also suggests that firms start by entering markets which are nearer in terms of psychic distance hence reducing uncertainty. Germany is considered relatively near and despite language barriers, the German culture is similar to that of the UK as highlighted in the ‘Environmental Analysis’ section of this report.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Earthquakes in MEDC’s and LEDC’s

A well-known principle states that the impact of earthquakes in LEDC's or Less Economically Developed Countries is generally more severe when compared with MEDC's or More Economically Developed Countries. This shall be illustrated by comparing the Kobe Earthquake in Japan of 1995 with the Kashmir Earthquake of 2005. The Kobe Earthquake occurred on Tuesday, January 17, 1995, at 05:46 JST in the southern part of Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. It measured 7.2 on the Richter scale and lasted for 20 seconds. The duration of the tremors was around 20 seconds long. The focus of the earthquake was located 16km below the epicentre, on the northern edge of the Awaji Island, approximately 20km from Kobe. The proximity to the city was a major factor of its widespread devastation. The ground moved 18cm horizontally and 12 cm vertically. The Kashmir Earthquake was caused by the Eurasian and Indian tectonic plate boundaries colliding. Its epicentre was located in Azad Kashmir near the city of Muzaffarabad. It occurred at 08:52:37 Pakistan Standard Time (03:52:37 UTC) on 8 October 2005. According to the authorities, 79000 people died. A major factor in the severity of the earthquake was the poor construction – a salient feature of LEDC's. The Indian Plate which was moving 40 mm a year north collided with the Eurasian plate and was forced beneath it. It measured 7.6 on the Richter Scale. As is evident, although the magnitude of both earthquakes was extremely similar, the impacts varied greatly. This was due to many factors, which most if not all are related to the economic situation of the countries. We shall begin by discussing the impacts of each of the earthquakes, thereafter we shall discuss why these effects differed. Kashmir Earthquake Immediately, 1400 people were killed. Buildings were swaying and many collapsed due to the strength of the earthquake. Electricity supplies were cut off, people were trapped in buildings and roads were blocked due to landslides which hindered initial rescue attempts. Of the 8 million who were affected, 100,000 were injured. Several trains on minor lines were derailed while 3.3 million homes were destroyed. These are the crux of the primary effects. Many cars were destroyed, trains were suspended, roads were blocked and in many areas the only way to access was through the air. Due to the impact on the buildings, many small businesses were shut down leading to severe job losses. Pakistan lost a total of approximately $500,000,000, which led to the president of the time, Musharraf, to appeal for international aid including money, tents, medical aid and helicopters. This suffices in illustrating the economic devastation brought to the country through the earthquake. Major hospitals were destroyed, putting the injured in an extremely grave situation, the skyline was practically non-existent and perhaps the worst secondary effect was the phenomena of landslides which destroyed much of the infrastructure and endangered those on the streets. As mentioned earlier, there were a great number of injured, homeless and jobless people. This caused widespread depression, which is understandable when the extended family set-up of households is examined. All in all, more than 87,000 people died and 138,000 were injured. The city's infrastructure was destroyed, clean water was extremely rare, hospitals were destroyed and many were homeless even after a year. This led to major secondary impacts such as outbreaks of diseases due to contaminated water supplies; people were affected with respiratory infections such as pneumonia; and the harsh winter season caused the homeless to suffer. Around 3.3 million people were living in temporary accommodation by the end of the happenings. When we compare the impacts of the Kashmir earthquake with the Kobe earthquake, we find that the primary effects are similar. These include the fact that buildings collapsed and the fact that many trains derailed. Numerous bridges and expressways collapsed and 120 of the 150 quays in the port of Kobe were destroyed as well as gas and electricity supplies being disrupted. Fires were set off due to destroyed gas pipes and electricity mains causing a further 7500 houses to burn. The roads were gridlocked causing delays in emergency services. 716 aftershocks were recorded and these lasted for several days. Industries such as Mitsubishi and Panasonic were forced to close. The death toll, however, was only 5500, injuries were 40,000 and 180,000 houses were destroyed. The newly opened Kansai Airport, due to its brilliant structural foundations, withstood the earthquake, as well as the Akashi Bridge. However, when we consider the fact that the population density of both areas was similar yet the number of dead, homeless and injured was far more in the Kashmir earthquake than that of the Kobe earthquake. By July, in about 5 months, most of the infrastructure such as water, electricity, gas and telephone services were up and running. Most buildings in commercial areas were repaired and the places affected by fires had been cleared. Rail services were back in service by August. A year later, 80% of the port was functional i.e. all but the Expressway. There was an increase in the technology used to determine information on earthquakes and movements in the region, and steps were implemented to make sure that devastation to that scale would not occur again. When the impacts of the 2 earthquakes are compared, it becomes clear that, although the population density of both areas were similar and the magnitude of both were similar, the death, injured and homeless figures are totally out of proportion, with Kashmir suffering a greater loss than Japan. This is also the case when the speed of recovery of the areas is considered, and it can be safely concluded that the infrastructure was more reliable in Kobe than in Kashmir. In addition, Japan's economy was able to self-fund the aid whereas Musharraf was left begging the international community for aid. We shall examine each of these points in detail in the forthcoming paragraphs. Firstly, in order to understand where the problem lies, one must examine the details in chronological order. We find that the primary effects were extremely similar with buildings falling, electricity, gas and water supplies being disrupted, roads blocked etc. In some instances, we even find that Japan was hit worse such as the fact that the gas supplies were set alight causing fires. However, we see that each figure is out of proportion as this table illustrates: Japan Kashmir Dead 5500 87,350 Homeless 230,000 3.3 Million Injured 40,000 138,000 In my opinion, the vast amount of people who died in the Kashmir earthquake could have boiled down to a number of factors. Illiteracy and Ignorance of emergency procedure when an earthquake strikes could have posed as a major factor in the amount of people that died. This idea could be further strengthened when you consider that many people in LEDC's do not possess modern education. This is insofar as a the personal scale goes. On a governmental scale, due to the other priorities of LEDC's, little emphasis would be placed on these types of events due to their minute chance of occurring. The government may wish to focus on other matters. This idea could be strengthened when we are to couple this fact with the reality of the Pakistani government which, according to a 2007 report of Transparency International, Pakistan ranks 7th most corrupt country in the world. It is highly likely that money may have been filtered in the wrong places. When compared with Japan, we see that they immediately increased the number of seismic instruments to record earth movements in the region. This would reduce the likeliness of it occurring again which is possibly the most important thing to do for the government. In addition, the Japanese government decreed that buildings were to be built much more strongly and outlined a new set of guidelines for this to take place. This would place too much of a burden on the Pakistani government. Although these long-term causes should be rectified, other short-term causes should be identified. These include that, since Saturday was a normal school day, many school children were studying and as a result were buried under collapsed schools. It was also during the month of Ramadan, when people were taking a nap after their pre-dawn meal, hence they may not have had enough time to escape. Entire villages were simply wiped out like this. In conclusion, although it is expected that LEDC's like Kashmir would be hit worse than MEDC's such as Japan due to their economies, it is nevertheless possible to prevent such grave impacts that took place in Kashmir happening again. The people should be educated with emergency procedures, the government should invest in relevant technology which would indicate and warn them ahead of time when seismic activity was occurring. In addition, the government should outline new guidelines for buildings in which they are earthquake resistant just as Japan did. These would strain the economy in the short-term, although in the long term this would relieve the economy should an earthquake such as this one would take place again.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Field work project with comparision between Buddhism and Christianity Essay

Field work project with comparision between Buddhism and Christianity - Essay Example are closely to the Ten Commandments which have set out law for centuries: for Jews in the time of Moses, then later for disciples of Christ, and even for Christians today (Huston Smith, 1991). The Five Moral Precepts include the refraining of murder, thievery, sexual misconduct, lying, and the consumption of intoxicants. Similarly, the Ten Commandments call for abstention of killing, stealing, adultery, as well as dishonesty. Although the Ten Commandments consist of more than these immoral actions, these aspects of Christianity and Buddhism were designed based on similar beliefs. Spiritual commonalities that exist between Buddhism and Christianity are the maintaining of religions documents and teachings, the support and trust which its followers place in the individuals who promote these teachings, as well as the central belief in a perfect redeemer. At the heart of Christianity is the belief in Jesus Christ, the Messiah, Son of God, the Savior. For Buddhists, this savior is Buddha. Both religions also place a great deal of trust in documents, as well as the people who preach its contents. Buddhists rely on a set of teachings known as the Dharma. This is similar to Christian Scriptures, the Bible, which plays an important role in the Christian faith. Finally, the Buddhists who teach the Dharma, and the history of the faith are known as the monastic community. This community is found in Christianity as well, in the form of convents and seminaries where priests and nuns reside. Lastly, another similarity between Buddhism and Christianity is their shared belief in suffering and its original cause. Buddhists believe that suffering exists and that there is no escaping that reality (Huston Smith, 1991). The First Noble Truth explains the Buddhist belief on suffering. The Buddha identifies all major transitions in life as experiences of suffering. Birth, aging, sickness, and death produce pain for the one undergoing the change. Christians have a similar way of looking

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Inequality and Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Inequality and Poverty - Essay Example Bishop and Amiel (2007) assert that there is poverty in the majority of the world nations and its people. However, it is not enough to blame people for such predicaments, claiming that they are lazy or made poor decisions which are responsible for their plight. The government has pursued some policies which hamper successful development. Causes of inequality and poverty are in doubt but are more and deeper causes of poverty which are less discussed. Behind the increased interconnectedness which is promised by globalization are practices, policies and global decisions. Such are influenced, formulated, or driven by the powerful and the rich, or rather can be leaders from rich countries and other global actors like institutions, influential people and multinational corporations. However, in the face of such external influences, the government of the poor nations and their people are powerless and as a result, few get wealthy, while the majority struggle with their poor lives. Most of th e people live on just a few dollars a day, and it does not matter if one lives in the wealthiest nations or poorest, one will still notice the high levels of inequality. The poor people have less access to health, education and other basic services that are important in their lives. Problems of disease, malnutrition, and hunger afflict the poor people in the society. Additionally, the poor people are also marginalized from the society and have little representation or voice in political and public debates, which makes it harder for them to escape from poverty. In contrast, the richer you are, the more likely you benefit from political and economic policies. The amount of money the world spends on financial and military bailouts and other areas which benefits the richer is compared to the amount that is spent to address the daily crisis of poverty and other related problems (Jenkins, 2007). The Cutbacks in education, social services and health around the world results for the adjustm ent structural policies by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund as conditions for repayment and loans. To add to this, developing governments are required to open their economies in order to compete with more established and powerful industrialized nations. To attract poor countries and investment, they have entered into a competition to find out who can provide cheaper resources, reduced wages, and attract investment. This has increased inequality and poverty for most people. To add to this, it also forms a backbone of what is we call globalization and as a result, it maintains the unequal historic rules of trade (Bishop & Amiel, 2007). Around the world, in poor or rich nations, poverty has always been present. In all most all nations, the inequality, meaning the gap between the poor and the rich is widening and quite high. The causes are also numerous, including bad government policy, exploitation by businesses and people with influence and power, lack of responsibility or a combination of such factors. Many individuals feel that the high levels of inequality affects the social cohesion, which leads to problems like violence and crime. Bishop and Amiel (2007) assert that inequality is often a measure of poverty that is usually relative. However, absolute poverty is also a matter of concern,

Answer History question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Answer History question - Essay Example alled Indian Empire and was under the direct governance of United Kingdom and the princely states were ruled by individual rulers under the direct dictatorship of the British crown. It is from these princely states, the imperial England tried and received greatest support and reliability. But ultimately the consequent and considerable resistance and uprising from the natives compelled British imperialism, a setback. Myriad reasons are responsible for the complete agitation or deviation of the native support from the British rule. A thorough survey of many socio-economic factors will consequently open the avenues of hidden queries. The first great uprising or the first step of the Indians for the nationalistic movement was the ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ in the year of 1857. It was literally the first resistance which British Raj in India received. The Sepoy Mutiny can be considered as â€Å"the last upsurge of Indian Feudalism†. There are various causes which led to the detachment of native Indians from the British persons. The British rulers made many strategical mistakes. To establish a quick and powerful imperial aggression they interfered in many cultural and social domains of the natives, which largely hurt their sentiments and they slowly deviated from their foreign rulers. In fact, a sense of alienation acted as a catalyst for the relentless fights and set backs. The fatal decision and implementation of the â€Å"Doctrine of Lapse† by the British greatly contributed for the uprising of the mutiny of 1857. Though this uprising was crushed by the British but it didn’t stop the native Indians to leave their quest for the independence. The fight for the freedom is a long history and the term ‘Indian Independence Movement’ is a wide- umbrella term that encompasses a huge spectrum. It involves myriad political agitation and organization, philosophies and campaigns, both violent as well as non-violent. But all these efforts found their end into one common aim which

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Jake Barnes as a Hemingway Hero Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jake Barnes as a Hemingway Hero - Essay Example Cohn likes Barnes so much that he wants to travel to South America, then to the fiesta in Spain. Brett often turns to Barnes for advice. Brett expresses a wish to be with Barnes, if the circumstances were different. Outsiders looking at Jake Barnes’ life would think he had everything. An example would be when Georgette, a girl Barnes’ met one night, commented to him â€Å"You have nice friends† (Hemingway 27). All of these friends did not help Barnes’ misery ebb. Barnes’ misery stems from a World War I wound. This wound has left Barnes impotent. The foremost pain in Barnes’ heart is Brett’s rejection of him based on his impotency. Barnes loves Brett. He would do anything for Brett. However the one thing he cannot provide, intimacy, is what she demands. Another facet of Barnes’ misery due to his impotency is his feelings of unmanliness. Since he cannot consummate any relationship physically, any relationship with Brett or any other woman is out of the question. This depresses Barnes. Most men equate being a man with their sexual prowess. In Barnes’ life journey accepting his impotency and moving on is crucial. Through out this novel, Jake Barnes is searching for the meaning of life or happiness. At first Barnes thinks happiness would only be found by being with Brett. Upon her rejection, Barnes tries to simplify his life in order to find the meaning of life. He goes fishing with Cohn, and then they go onto the fiesta. Every time Barnes gathers his thoughts, or tries to leave Brett to her own devices, she draws him back in. The futility of his life, of just living of being living with no meaning, can be summed up by Brett’s statement of the following â€Å"Oh, Jake . . . we could have had such a damned good time together† and Barnes reply of â€Å"Yes, isn’t it pretty to think so?† (Hemingway 248) Barnes

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Some Like It Hot Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Some Like It Hot - Movie Review Example crime and the thought of same sex marriage would be enough to run any rumored homosexual couple out of town, that does not excuse the disrespect for the underground gay community of its time. The film made fun of a topic that is taken quite seriously in our era and I am sure that just like me, those who are aware of the need to be politically correct, gender sensitive, and same - sex friendly will also find the way that the homosexuals were treated and portrayed in the film. The cross-dressing and homosexuality in the movie is played for laughs. It made fun at the homosexuals of the time and regarded them as nothing but funny people who should not be taken seriously. I understand that the film was made during an era when homosexuality was a taboo topic and no self respecting male would ever be caught dead admitting to being a homosexual. However, I do not believe that these closeted individuals deserved to have their sexual preference ridiculed in this manner. It was insensitive and hurtful, even if the homosexuals of the era never admitted to it. This film shows us how much Hollywood and our society has changed over the decades. What our grandparents thought of as funny is now regarded as politically incorrect and gender insensitive. But it also asks us to think about how we treat the homosexuals in our own era. Perhaps we are giving them too much respect and credit where it is not really due? Think about it, this films proves that homosexuals of their era did not think much of their rights as gay people and simply lived their lives according to the unspoken code set about by society at the time. Everyone respected them and they got everything that they deserved in life. If they were doing anything illicit, people chose to pretend it did not exist because they respected the person too much to turn him into gossip fodder. Gay people of today make too many demands upon our society in terms of forcing us to accept them as a normal part of it. As the movie

Monday, September 23, 2019

Indonesian Political History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Indonesian Political History - Research Paper Example An armed struggle followed between the Dutch and the largely Japanese-trained Indonesians, which culminated in the Netherlands’ recognition of Indonesian independence in 1949, after much loss of lives on both sides. 2. Japanese interests in Indonesia were closely linked to Japan’s colonial ambitions in Asia. It sought to establish itself as the biggest power in Asia after having achieved many victories, on the economic front and on the warfront. Japan also intended to gain an upper hand in the volatile situation that the Second World War presented. They sought to take over the reins of power in Indonesia from the Dutch. They were widely perceived to have dented the power and pride of the white western man and were thus welcomed in many Asian countries struggling under the yoke of colonialism. One of Japan’s main professed objectives in Indonesia was to end the system of administration that was based heavily on race. The objectives of the Japanese were not very di fferent from the Dutch and this can be inferred from the imperialist measures that they undertook while in power. 3. Japanese policies towards Islam in Indonesia were the opposite of those that were followed by the Dutch. While the Dutch believed in imposing restrictions on the practice of Islam through the use of force, the Japanese administration was able to harness the energy of Islamic institutions so as to provide itself with support during the Second World War. Their choice of a course of action was also influenced by the lack of resources available to pursue any alternative strategy. The War had drained tem of the power to pursue any policy that was based on the use of force. Japanese policies were aimed at enabling Islamic structures to be centres of mobilization for the cause of the War and the nation. 4. While a majority of the Indonesian population is Muslim, the constitution does not grant a pre-eminent position to Islam. Based on the principle of Pancasila, the Indonesi an constitution provides its citizens with the freedom to practice whichever religion they choose. The first president of Indonesia, Sukarno, was fearful of the secessionist impulses that may have arisen had Islam been declared the state religion. While there were uprisings for the cause of the inclusion of Islam as the state religion, they were defeated with the defeat that the first elections in Indonesian handed out to parties that were based on the principle of Islamic nationalism. Later on, Sukarno, the second premier of the nation, showed great inclination to grant Islam a prominent position within the constitution but failed. As a result, the Indonesian constitution does not grant any special status to Islam. 5. The establishment of a secular constitution received a mixed response from the Indonesian public. While there were protests demanding the inclusion of Islam within the constitution as the state religion, they were largely unsuccessful owing to the lack of large number s to support the movement. The period of Sukarno’s reign saw a secular government because of the response that the Indonesian public gave to political parties with Islamic nationalism as its main agenda. These parties were able to get only a small portion of the total votes in the first Indonesian elections, signaling the Indonesian public’s aversion to the rise of Islamic politics. Even though Sukarno, during his tenure, tried to appease Muslim powers, the rise

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Carl Jung’s Theory concerning Personality Types Essay Example for Free

Carl Jung’s Theory concerning Personality Types Essay This essay will give an introduction to Carl Jung and what started his research, the essay will discuss Carls Jung’s personality types and their characteristics and will also discuss the Myers Briggs type indicator. The essay will also discuss falsification of type as well as what Carl Jung believed to be the cure for falsification of type. Criticisms of personality type and MBTI will also be discussed and in conclusion this essay will discuss how we can use personality types and MBTI within our own work. Carl Jung The Beginning of Personality Theory Carl Gustav Jung was born in Switzerland in 1875. His first choice of study was archaeology but he went to study medicine at the University of Basil and while working for the neurologist Krafft Ebing he settled on psychiatry. After graduating he took a position at the Burghoeltzli Mental Hospital, he also taught classes at the university in Zurich, had a private practice and invented word association. In 1907 Carl Jung met Freud in Vienna where the two are meant to have spent thirteen hours talking their friendship started off strong with Jung championing many Freudian ideas but over time their friendship began to deteriorate. Jung felt that Freud focused too much on sexuality and that Freud’s concept of the unconscious was too limited and negative. The official break up happened when Jung resigned from the international psychoanalytic congress. Then in 1913 Carl Jung had a dream, he dreamt that there was a monstrous flood engulfing Europe and lapping at the mountains of Switz erland. He saw thousands of people drowning and civilization crumbling. In the following weeks he continued to have disturbing dreams in which he dreamt of eternal winters and rivers of blood. Carl Jung thought he was becoming psychotic but on the 1st August WWI began and Jung felt there had been a connection between himself and the rest of humanity, thus began Jung’s painful journey of self-exploration which formed the basis for his theory’s. Personality Theory Attitudes Functions Carl Jung determined that people act and react to stimulus and situations differently. He classified people into two different groups, depending on  how they behaved. Jung called these two different groups attitudes and classified people as either extraverts or introverts; Extraverts – People who are extraverts are better able to deal with external stimulus such as people and objects. They search for things outside themselves to help fulfil them Introverts – People who are introverts are better able to deal with internal stimulus and look inside themselves for fulfilment. In addition to the two attitudes Jung further classified people into four functions types Sensory and Intuitive which refers to our preferred way of collecting information and Thinking and feeling which refers to the way we make decisions. Sensory – People who are more sensory tend to like specific answers and deal in facts and figures Intuitive – People who are more intuitive tend to p refer to gather information through ideas and theories. Thinking – People who are thinkers tend to prefer to make decisions based on scientific fact and concrete truths. Feeling People who make decisions on their feelings, trust in their emotions and sensitivities. The four functions and two attitudes made up Carl Jung’s original personality types it was later expanded on and two more functions where added which deal with the way people live their lives these are judgers and perceivers ; Judges – Prefer to live in an orderly way and prefer structure and organisation. Perceivers – Prefer to live more spontaneously and are more adaptive. The theory was then used by Katharine Cook Brigg and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers who after studying Carl Jung’s work extensively turned the theory of psychological types to a practical use. They created the Myer Briggs indicator believing that knowledge of personality types would help woman during WWII who were entering the work place for the first time by identifying which jobs would be more comfortable and effective for them. MBTI focuses on a normal population and emphasizes the value of naturally occurring differences. The two attitudes and six functions types make up for sixteen different combinations which provides detailed characteristics and help us determine which of the types we belong to , each of us has a dominate function with the other three being less dominate. The combinations and some of the characteristics are as follows. ISTJ People who fit in this category tend to be quiet, serious and earn success by  thoroughness and dependability. They value traditions and loyalty. ISFJ People who fit in this category tend to be quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. They strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home. INFJ People who fit in this category tend to seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. They want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. INTJ People who fit in this category tend to have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. They can be sceptical and independent. ISTP People who fit in this category tend to be tolerant and flexible they are quiet observers until a problem appears, then act quickly to find workable solutions to the problems that may arise. ISFP People who fit in this category tend to be quiet, friendly and sensitive. They like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. INFP People who fit in this category tend to be idealistic and are loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. INTP People who fit in this category tend to seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests them. Theoretical and abstract, they are interested more in ideas than in social interaction. ESTP People who fit in this category tend to be flexible and tolerant; they take a pragmatic approach and are focused on immediate results. ESFP People who fit in this category tend to be outgoing, friendly, and accepting. They are lovers of life, people, and material comforts. ENFP People who fit in this category tend to be enthusiastic and imaginative. They are spontaneous and flexible and often rely on their ability to improvise and or their language skills. ENTP People who fit in this category tend to be quick, clever and outspoken. They are good at reading other people and can easily become bored by routine. ESTJ People who fit in this category tend to be practical and realistic. They act decisively and move quickly to implement decisions. ESFJ People who fit in this category tend to be warm hearted. They want harmony in their environment and work hard to establish and maintain it. ENFJ People who fit in this category tend to be warm, empathetic and responsible. They are highly attuned to the emotions and needs of others. ENTJ People who fit in this category tend to be blunt and decisive they assume leadership readily. They are usually well informed and well read. â€Å"Jung noted that it is not possible to use the attitudes of Extraversion and Introversion and the Judging and Perceiving functions independently of each other. People who prefer Extraversion will most likely focus their Perception and Judgment in the outer world while people preferring the Introverted attitude, when circumstances permit, will concentrate Perception and Judgment on ideas.† Falsification of Type In our lives we are not always able to work or live in a way that appeals to our strengths. This can happen for a variety of reasons either we are brought up in environments that are unsuitable to our personality types and we adapt to suit the situation or we may be financially unable to follow a career path that would be best suited to our personality type. A person may also be unaware of their strengths and may just have a feeling that they are not living the life they were meant to. Carl Jung believed that if we do not live or work in a way that best suites our personality type then we could develop a falsification of type. This occurs when we are forced to use our less predominate functions for long periods of time. Carl Jung believed that falsification of type could lead to many psychological problems. Carl Jung described Falsification of Type as â€Å"a violation of the natural disposition,† and explained that whenever Falsification of Type takes place a person first becomes anxious and irritable and then if the condition continues a person becomes neurotic. Jung strongly believed that if there was a reversal of type it could be very harmful to the physiological  well-being of a person and could often lead to an acute state of exhaustion. Research has been done which supports Jung’s theory and according to the research of Dr. Richard Haier of San Diego, when an individual is functioning from a style other than their natural lead style, the brain is forced to expend large amounts of energy trying to maintain the unnatural functions. The result is that the brain and brain-body system experience stress, chronic anxiety and exhaustion. Dr. Arlene Taylor worked with people suffering with PTSD and depression over an 11 year period and found that people living in a state of prolonged adaption appeared to display specific symptoms. There are eight commonly seen symptoms in people who appear to be suffering with a falsification of type theses are; 1) Fatigue Prolonged adaption can require the brain to work up to 100 times harder. 2) Hyper vigilance Prolonged adaption can create a state of hyper-vigilance as the brain goes on protective alertness. This is a safety mechanism and can show up in a variety of different ways 3) Immune System alteration Falsifying Type can be thought of as the individual living a lie at some level. Lying can suppress immune system 4) Memory impairment Cortisol, which is released under stress, can interfere with memory functions. 5) Altered brain chemistry Prolonged adaption can interfere with hypothalamus and pituitary functions, which can interfere with hormonal balance. 6) Diminished frontal lobe functions Prolonged adaption is a significant stressor, which can interfere with functions typically associated with the frontal lobes of the cerebrum. 7) Discouragement, fatigue and or depression Prolonged adaption can lead to the repeated triggering of the conserve/withdraw reaction to stress. This can be especially true for introverted people although it is commonly observed in extroverted types who have been conditioned to introversion. This is far more common than most people (even researchers) believe. Discouragement tends to increase as fatigue increases, which often contributes to the development of depression 8) Self-esteem problems .Any or all of the other symptoms can be contributed to diminished overall success in life, which directly affect self-esteem. Self-esteem issues can present as lack of confidence or lack of commitment to improving one’s outcomes Jung believed that the only way to cure falsification of type is to develop the functions and attitudes that people are naturally disposed towards. This is a long process where the sufferer will have to first identify their natural leanings and then work towards changing things within their lives so that their work, family and social lives’ are in balance with their natural strengths and attitudes. Criticisms of Personality Types MBTI One of the main criticisms of personality types and the resulting MBTI is that it because it deals with the mind which is abstract it cannot be scientifically proven and that some of the personality types could be made to fit anyone as the use of the language and terms can be ambiguous. The MBTI also relies on a person answering questions about themselves and people may not be completely honest when answering those questions either because they are unaware of how they would react within a situation or that their perception of themselves is distorted. The way in which the questions are asked is also not specific so people may not know if the question is referring to the way they would react at work or the way they would react at home with friends and family. The MBTI also fails the double blind test in which participants do a test but are given a test done by someone else and asked if it fits them. Most of the participants find a way to make the results fit. One of the other arguments is that while it can be very useful in self-understanding it can also be used either intentionally or unintentionally to pigeonhole people. People are complex and fitting everyone into just sixteen different categories can limit peoples understanding of each other and themselves. It also could be used as an excuse for bad or inefficient behaviour. Conclusion Personality Types and the MBTI is still widely used today, the MBTI is used in company’s both big and small to understand and motivate staff and as a tool for management training. Personality Types and MBTI are also still used by therapist’s to understand their clients, as well as giving the therapist an idea of which therapeutic tools are best suited for each individual client. It can be used either by allowing the client to do a MBTI test that the therapist has acquired from a reputable source (not just a downloaded from the internet) or the therapist can lead a client through a process which will enable the therapist to discern which characteristics the client may lean towards. It is worth saying that an inexperienced therapist may face problems in trying to discern a client’s personality leanings without using a test or formal questions as it takes training and experience to be able to read a client effectively. Despite its critics personality types can be used as one of the tools a therapist can utilise to assist them in the treatment of clients as long as the therapist is aware of the potential problems with using the personality type or a MBTI test , such as pigeonholing a client into a specific category or allowing the client to use their personality type as an excuse or a crutch. Using the theory in balance with other treatments and being aware of some of the problems that may arise from using the personality types or a MBTI test can allow the therapist to approach the treatment of a client in a well-rounded and balanced way that is both beneficial and productive. References http://mbtitoday.org/carl-jung-psychological-type/ Author publish date unknown MBTI type today http://www.cognitiveprocesses.com/ Linda V. Berens and Dario Nardi, Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/jung.html C. George Boeree Copyright 1997, 2006 http://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/the-16-mbti-types.asp Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing https://coremap.com/index.php/books-and-articles/38-personality/124-falsification-of-type.html Written by Sherry Buffington Monday, 14 May 2012 10:28 Jessica Phillips HUDDE2A 13 Jackie Bock Carl Jung Personality Types MBTI

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Media Comparison: Egypt and Hong Kong

Media Comparison: Egypt and Hong Kong Wenting 1 Questions 3 Select any specific aspect(s) of mass media in one of the following four countries – Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea –, and compare it/them with another country of your choice. Discuss the similarities and/or differences between the two countries. Specific aspect(s) can be: media system, media history, media control/ regulation, media content, media policy, new media etc. Introduction The media plays an important role in informing the population about the current activities within and outside the country. The media also points out the evils of the current government. This is the reason why most government tries to restrict all forms of media such as print and press. In order to fully appreciate the significance of the role of the media in a nation, a cast study of Egypt and Hong Kong have been selected for analysis. Two aspects of the media have been selected, the media control/regulation and the media history of these two nations. These two countries have been selected because they both have similar and different aspects in relation to their media. These two nations have also experienced unprecedented changes in the past decade and hence forming a fundamental basis for analysis on the past and current challenges affecting the media. Similarities between Egypt and Hong Kong media Egypt and Hong Kong have experienced a number of similarities regarding their media histories. They have both experienced pervasive government regulation. Egyptian media has been controlled by government agencies with majority of the media house being state owned. On the other hand, after the 1997 handover, Hong Kong media has experienced increasing control by the Chinese government which took over from the British colonial power. Majority of the Hong Kong media senior personnel have been absorbed by the Communist government. With the unfolding of these events, in 2011, Hong Kong Press Freedom Index dropped significantly to 54th place from 34th (Weisenhaus, D 2014, p.273).This was a significant drop and a demonstration of the unfolding events regarding media control in Hong Kong under the watchful eye of the Communist government. As such, both Egypt and Hong Kong have experienced a considerable media control from various governmental agencies (Hackler 2006, p.331). Both Egypt and Hong Kong have laws that protect the freedom of press, in Egypt, Article 48 of the constitution states that the freedom of press, publication and information is protected. The law further states that any censorship of the newspaper is also prohibited; this includes suspending and warning of newspapers by the administration. This law only permits limited censorship of any material being disseminated in the media in times of crisis that has a direct effect on the country’s security. Similarly, in Hong Kong, the Basic Law, Article 27 protects the freedom of publication and press in the country (Chan So 2002, p.324). There are other provisions under Article 39 which further protect the media (Chan So 2002, p.324). Both of these countries thus have provisions that protect the freedom of the media despite the challenges experienced in both cases. According to Sakr (2013, p. 45) Egyptian journalism has been struggling to gain freedom from the executive control. In the wake of 2005 multi-candidate elections, embolden journalist were inspired to go beyond the norm and report massive corruption, and other evils of the government. Major changes in the media structure materialized in 2011 as journalist found loopholes in the internet to circumvent government initiatives of restricting the media. Evading proxies and other internet restrictions were used to gain access to social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Journalist used this informal online space to challenge misinformation from the mainstream media about the declining popularity of dictatorial leadership under the former president Hosni Mubarak. This media control struggle continued after the Mubarak and Mosri regime to the current regime under President Sisi. The government under these three presidents has always struggled to control the media in order to advance their in terest and hide the shortcomings of their leadership. Similarly, in Hong Kong, during the British administration, the media was given freedom but there were restrictions especially regarding the British administration. The government encouraged criticism of the communist nations including China but restricted dissemination of information criticizing the British government. After the handover of control in 1997, the Chinese government has further tightened the grip on public media control by absorbing major players in the industry and firing those who reject their ideals. This is clearly evidenced by the sacking and murder of Kevin Lau, a renowned journalist early this year. The struggle to free the media from restrictive government control is bound to continue in these two nations. Differences between Egypt and Hong Kong media The media histories of these two nations are different in many ways. These differences are mainly because of the governments that have been in control over time. Hong Kong was under British control for 150 years until 1997. Over this period, Hong Kong enjoyed press freedom as there was no censorship as compared to the mainland China. Citizens were allowed to criticize Chinese regimes. As a result, Hong Kong became the home to major Asian media such as Asian Wall Street Journal, and Epoch Times, and the anti-communist group. On the contrary, Egypt media has been heavily controlled by the state in all sectors including news agencies, broadcast and print media. In fact, the leading Egyptian news houses such as Al-Akhbar(The News), Dar Al-Tahrir (The Liberation House) and Al-Ahram (The Pyramids) are all controlled and owned by the government. The Shura Council manages appointments of editors and other key decision making people in the media (Kouddous 2011). According to Kouddous (2011) 8 4 % of the population in Egypt depends on the public media such as the TV as the main source of information. The internet is however increasing in popularity as the main source of information to the population; this was particularly evident during its recent revolution that led to the ousting of the Mubarak regime. The other major difference between Hong Kong and Egypt is the fact that Hong Kong has not experienced any major media struggle as it was recently experienced in Egypt. Despite the fears experienced after 1997 when China resumed control of Hong Kong, the fears against free press did not materialize. Hong Kong media protection is deeply rooted in the constitution; Article 27 of Hong Kong basic law as well as Article 16 of the Bill of Rights. On the contrary, Egypt has experienced an intense struggle for a free media especially under the Mubarak regime. According to Kouddous (2011) during the uprising, most bloggers and journalist were arrested, harassed and executed by the regime for reporting contentious issues in the media. Despite the long historical state control of the public media in Egypt, the trend has taken another turn especially after the ousting of the Mubarak regime. The dominantly state owned satellite TV before 2011 are now being owned by individuals who are not pro-government. According to Iskander (2012, p.123) privately owned newspapers has increased since 2011.Majority of the Egyptian population is now online; about 29.8 million by 2012 (Sakr 2013, p.47). Notably, during the 2011 uprising, the social media, mainly Facebook and Twitter were used to organize massive riots that saw the end of the Mubarak regime. This is a positive indicator to the trend in the control of the media in Egypt. Alternative media such as online social media which is hard to control is continually forcing the government and other regulatory bodies to relax their grip on the media. Conversely, the less regulated media in Hong Kong is facing threats from the government. Recently, on the 26th February 2014, Kevin L au, a renowned journalist known for his firm reporting against the Chinese government was murdered by an assailant suspected to be a government agent (Weisenhaus, D 2014, p.277). Massive demonstrations were witnessed as a result of Lau’s brutal murder. Conclusion As critically discussed, there are a number of similarities and differenced between the histories and regulations of Egypt and Hong Kong media. Egypt has been under government control for decades despite the provisions allowing for free press. Similarly, Hong Kong freedom of press has been restricted by the Chinese administration, despite the freedom experienced under the British colony, some restriction against publications that dented the British government existed. With the current Chinese regime, Hong Kong’s media has suffered a major blow that has seen it drop in ranks according to the Press Freedom Index. Both nations have experienced violence and incarcerations of renowned journalist. The recent murder of Kevin Lau in Hong Kong is an example of this unfolding. In Egypt, all the three regimes, the Mubarak, Morsi and Sisi have imprisoned and incarcerated journalist who report information which gouges the image of the current regime. On the other hand, Egypt has had a long history of press restriction until 2005-2011 which marked the start of a free press through alternative information dissemination such as the internet. Conversely, Hong Kong has enjoyed a significant press freedom over the past 145 years under the British colony. This has seen Hong Kong provide a safe home for major international media such as the Asian Wall Street Journal. This foundation has however been shaken by the Chinese regime which took over from the British control in 1997. As such, these countries have experienced both similar and different media challenges. References Chan, MK So, AY 2002, Crisis and Transformation in Chinas Hong Kong, M.E. Sharpe,Sydney. Pp.324-329. Hackler, DL 2006, Crisis and Transformation in Chinas Hong Kong, M.E. Sharpe, Beijing. Pp. 331-343. Iskander, E 2012, Sectarian Conflict in Egypt: Coptic Media, Identity and Representation, Routledge, New York. P.123-127. Kouddous, SA 2011, After Mubarak, Fighting For Press Freedom in Egypt, The Nation, Retrieved from http://www.thenation.com/article/161555/after-mubarak-fighting-press-freedom-egypt# Sakr, N 2013, Transformations in Egyptian Journalism, I.B.Tauris, Cairo. Pp. 45-56. Weisenhaus, D 2014, Hong Kong Media Law: A Guide for Journalists and Media Professionals, Expanded Second Edition, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong. Pp. 273-286.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Teenage pregnancy in Europe

Teenage pregnancy in Europe Compare and contrast how two named health care systems deal with one specific health issues. The aim of this assignment is to choose two countries, and compare and contrast how these two countries deal one specific health issue. One country has to have a good rate of the health issues and the other one has to have a bad rate of the same health issue. The two countries that this assignment chooses to about talk are the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, and the health issue that is going to be concentrated on is teenage pregnancy. This assignment will focus on comparing how both countries are tackling teenage pregnancy, the assignment will also talk about the amount of money both countries spend on sex education, also if teenage pregnancy has always been a problem, if both countries raise effective awareness on conceptions and etc, furthermore this essay will discuss about why teenage pregnancy is good in Holland and why the rates of teenage pregnancy keeps on going up in the United Kingdom. Introduction The reason why this topic is being explored is because the United Kingdom always seems to have a high rate in teenage pregnancy in Europe, and in countries like Netherlands teenage pregnancy always seems to be low. Therefore it will be good to compare these two countries and see why one country has a good rate of teenage pregnancy and why the other one has a terrible rate of teenage pregnancy, this can help understand where the united kingdom is going wrong for them to be always having a high rate in teenage pregnancy, and maybe they can see what the Netherlander do to prevent having such high rates of teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is a contemporary health issue because the cost of teenage pregnancy is shocking. Teenagers who end up getting pregnant are less likely to complete secondary school, they are also less likely to get married, and also they normally end up going on benefits, when their children are born they dont really have a good health, their cognitive development is normally slow, and they always tend to have behavioural problems. Being a teenage parent sometimes comes with its own consequences such experiencing mental health problems, sometimes if the teenage mother is not getting any support from family and friends, they feel isolated and they always tend to find it hard to cope, so they start getting stressed out, having a low self esteem, feeling anxiety and depressed which can lead to mental health. Teenage mothers that end up getting pregnant always tend to come from a lower working class, and living in deprived areas, and they always tend to have their second child quickly, this causes more stress on their well being, because they might be struggling with finance. Main body The United Kingdom has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy across Europe, and whereas the Netherlands have one of the lowest teenage pregnancy rate. The reasons why the Netherland have such a low rate of teenage pregnancy could be because they are more opened to talk about sex with their children then parents and schools in the United Kingdom. The Netherland have a low rate of teenage pregnancy because they do sex education in schools, and parents normally have open talk sex with children, and adverts on televisions on how to prevent getting pregnant. The United Kingdom and the Netherlanders sex education are similar, but there are also differences between the two countries on how and what they teach about sex education. The reason why the Netherlands sex education is more effective than the United Kingdoms one is that, the Netherlander tell there children how to protect themselves from STIs and unwanted pregnancy and how to avoid risky sexual behaviour, and when and how to use contraceptives. Whereas in the United Kingdom instead of teaching teenagers how to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections and how to prevent pregnancy, they promote more on how they should not be having sex. Sex education in the UK is called (PSHE) and in Netherland they call it (CARE). (Hardy, J.B. and Zabin L.S. 1991) believe that sex education is less controversial in the Netherlands, mainly at political level, and there society is more open when it comes to issues about sex, but people sometimes tend to mistake their openness for permissiveness. Studies believe that there is a political opposition to sex education from the smaller Christian parties in Netherlands; Politicians have the tendency to pass the issue over to professional sex educators, whereas in the United Kingdom the politics of sex education have been unfavourable, with major discussions about taking place over legislation passed in 1986, 1988, and 2000. Some politicians and families believe that sex education in schools is too explicit and it promotes homosexuality, and doing sex education in schools causes teenage pregnancy rather than prevent it. This can be argued that having sex education in school does not promote or encourage teenagers to get pregnant, because by having sex education in school, teachers are informing teens how to avoid risky sexual behaviour and they are also teaching them how to use contraceptives correctly, and also by teaching them about sex they will know how to protect themselves, also they will be aware of the consequences of having one or more children at a young age. Teenagers who get pregnant at an early age tend to come from poorer backgrounds and from areas that are high with unemployment rates, daughters of teenager mothers, which always ends up being a vicious circle, and also young people that are in care. Being under age and pregnant cost the British government  £166,000 to raise a child until they reach their 21st birthday. 90 per cent of teenage mothers rely on benefits in order for them to survive. The British public fund course that cost around  £100,000 that allows young teenage mothers as young as 14 to take these courses, this course is about helping them to be writing things up like CV, and teaching them the dangers of smoking whilst pregnant, and by them attending these courses they get paid  £30 a week, and if they finish the 16 week course without missing any lessons they get  £100 bonus. This could be argued that all the money that they are spending on these young mothers to do these courses could go towards trying to reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy. The British government are working towards their target of reducing the rate of teenage pregnancy by 2010. Their aim is to make sex education compulsory in all schools both in primary and secondary schools like in Netherlands, and to be going more in details about sex education, this will include teachers talking about contraception and relationship issues. The British government seems to be following the Netherlands footsteps in the way they approach sex education, with openness about sex from a younger age. The reason why the British government wants to follow the Netherlands approach is because the Dutch children get taught about relationships from an early age, so they get comfortable as time goes by with talking about sex and contraception, so by the time that they are ready to be having sexual intercourse with the opposite they will know how to use contraception in order to avoid pregnancy and STIs, and this will have a good impact on the country, because they will be a low rate of teenage pregnancy, so if the British government following these approaches, it could work for them also by having a low rate of teenage pregnancy across Europe. Although this kind of approach could be argue that it is encouraging young people to have sex, but statistics in Netherlands stated that there are fewer teenage pregnancies and the age that most young people in Netherland first have sex is higher than in most other developed countries. Another way the British government is trying to tackle with teenage pregnancy is adverting young people to be responsible about sex and contraception on televisions, radios, internets and billboards. These kinds of promotions can be a good thing, because some young people might feel comfortable to be talking about sex amongst their peers, and these advertisements may even encourage some teenagers to talk about sex issues with their parents. Even though some people might argue that advertising sex and contraception will not solve teenage pregnancy, but it can be argued that it will not make the situation any worse, and these advertisements could be a break through towards teenage pregnancy, because some young people might think about their actions and use contraception more sensibly, because they have a knowledge of what the consequences are of not using contraception can lead to. As we already know the United Kingdom has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy across Europe. Figures have shown that during 1996 there were 44,000 that gave birth below the age of 20, which signified around 7 per cent of all births in Britain. The birth rate was 29.8 per 1000 women aged 15 to 19 years, compare with 65.5 per 1000 for women aged 20-24 years. This could be argued That in order to reduce such figures government should concentrate more on sex education in schools. Teenage pregnancy in Britain is usually identified as a problem for society, According to (Peckham, S.1993) stated that reports of medical, financial and social problems for mothers and children following teenage pregnancy, is linked with sex and education, and suggest how they should both be improved. teenage pregnancy rates in the Netherlands have always being low due to the high quality, explicit and early sex education in both primary and secondary schools. (Dr Loon 2003) believes that sex education in the Netherlands starts at younger age then The UK, its also more explicit, he also stated that the Netherlands are more Independent than the United Kingdom and parents and the government in the Netherlands have more power over what is being taught at school and also their Influence of church helps a lot. This can be argued that there is a huge difference in A way both countries approach sex education overall. The awareness of teenage pregnancy is more effective in the Netherlands, than the United Kingdom, because they start talking to children about sex at the age of 11, parents talk to the children about as well, so from a young age they know about sex, and they know what they consequences are of having sex are, and even if they are ready to be having sexual intercourse they know how to protect themselves from getting pregnant and STIs because they have being teaching them how to use contraception from schools, parents and media. Whereas the message is not really effective in the United Kingdom, even though the kind of messages that both countries is kind of similar, but one is more out there than the other, that why works more. The UK provide the correct information about the risks associated with sexual activity the also talk about contraception and birth control, and how to avoid Intercourse, they also focus on reducing specific risky behaviours. They dont really promote safe sex on televisions as much as the Netherlands does, or start sex education at an early age. But recently the UK has started advertising safe sex on televisions and radios. Research have shown that about 93 per of young people in the Netherlands use contraception, whereas in the UK 53 per cent of young people use contraception. This could be because in Netherland they give out the message more about safe sex in schools, homes, and media than in Britain. Studies shown that teenagers in both countries found that boys and girls in the Netherlands gave love to each other, as one of the main reasons of losing their virginity, and boys in the UK do it because they are getting peer pressure. Teenagers in the Netherlands are obviously doing it for the right reason and they are having sexual intercourse they probably feel they are ready, but they are being responsible by taking the percussions needed, because adults like teachers and parents have being telling them about safe sex from an early age, and they understand the consequences of what will happen if they dont take the right percussions needed. And some teenagers in Britain dont know or understand the consequences of safe sex, because they dont talk about sex at home, and at school the message that they send the most in sex education is dont have sex, and obliviously by telling young people not to have sex, they are more likely to do it, so its better off telling them what percussions to take when they feel like they need to starts having sexual intercourse with opposite sex. Conclusion In conclusion this essay has found out why The United Kingdom has a bad rate of teenage pregnancy and why the Netherlands have a good rate of teenage pregnancy. They reason why the UK has a bad rate of teenage pregnancy, its because they dont really talk about sex and contraction, you see they dont feel comfortable talking to their children and student about sex and contraception, so in order for them not to talk about it they just tell the young people not to have sex, instead of telling them about it and how to use contractions and where to go and get it from. They just promote by telling them they are not allow to have sex, whereas in the Netherlands they are more open about telling their children about sex and contraception, and also there children are taught sex education at an early age, unlike in the United Kingdom. The UK is working towards halving the teenage pregnancy rate by 2010, by following the approaches that the Netherlands use, by starting sex education at an early age, obliviously at age that they feel is right for the children, talking about sex and using contraception more, than promoting young people not to be having sex, also promoting using contraceptions on television, radios, internet, and on billboards. By doing is it can eventually make a change towards teenage pregnancy rate in the United Kingdom. Word Count 2, 464