
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Alternative Sentencing

Alternative Sentencing Free Online Research Papers If we are to be a serious society then we need to address the human element seriously, and that means addressing the worst of the human element along with the best. As humans are raised differently and their amount of self control varies with each individual there can be no constant as to the degree of behavior. Athletes who have had even the most stringent upbringing may enter the professional world as polite and decent human beings, and then after super stardom and the total collapse of inhibition and self control takes hold what once was a stellar upstanding member of society becomes a variant of the criminal class. Dennis Rodman would be a perfect case study as to what a decent human being can become.Given the microcosm which is the professional sports world we can easily leap into the macrocosm which is the rest of us in society. Humans of different degrees of self control and civility will engage in various degrees of activity which range from the saintly to the â€Å"hell-bound†. As a society that wishes to remain humane and just we must address these variant levels of behavior and establish a system of law and reward to match and measure the proper punishment that will meet the needs of mankind in it’s effort to maintain a civil society. For the most violent offenders of the laws of mankind this discussion can be brief and for the most part with the exception of the death penalty little is needed in gaining a consensus. However when the crimes fall under the categories of not so heinous, or even the sub-category of â€Å"super sillious lawmaking†, more prudent minds have come up with an idea that is as old as time. Alternative Sentencing. Now this idea isn’t new by any stretch of the imagination, the new part of it is that like any advancing society, new ideas can come up at any time and more than likely have some merit no matter it’s nouveau. While it is entirely proper and fills it’s calling it can be the subject of many discerning eyes. And for the most part it is worthwhile in pursuing even if a few eyebrows will be raised when a sentence is handed down that sounds more like a treat than a punishment. Now before getting too far ahead of ourselves as for the justice involved lets take a look at some of the â€Å"Alternative Sentencing† that is out there. A main staple for criminals who arguably are not criminals just a person caught up in foolish thinking or just lacked enough self control for the moment to wind up on the wrong side of the law†¦we have†¦ †HOUSE ARREST†. or Home Detention as it may be called. Most of the time but not always this may involve what some have endearingly called, â€Å"an anklet†. An electronic bracelet usually fitted around the ankle of the subject to send a signal to authorities if that individual leaves a certain area, usually the person’s home. Then there is the â€Å"WORK RELEASE PROGRAM†, sometimes called the â€Å"Work Furlough Program†. This program typically has an alternative to Jail housing while the individual goes to work routinely they must return to the facility of choice with no other stops on the way. Do not pass go, do not collect 200.00. Okay in this case they do collect their financial rewards. Also there is Drug Treatment Options or as they are so endeared by their participants†¦Ã¢â‚¬ DRUG COURTS†. Sounds ominous indeed but it is merely the pass or fail of random drug testing that these courts preside over. For Drug offenders this is an intelligent alternative to filling up prisons with addicted people who are not living the life of career criminal. â€Å"CITY JAIL† or Private Jail, this is like voluntary jail. You do your time when you can allowing to participate in a normal life yet still do the prescribed penalty for your crime. Kind of like Otus in Mayberry who would come in at night and sleep it off. Sort of, or maybe not. â€Å"SOBER LIVING†, affectionately called halfway houses. Halfway between Jail and living free. Mainly for alcoholics who have committed crimes but for the sake of their addiction maybe would have chosen better. â€Å"DIVERSION PROGRAMS†, or a more accurate term would be Addiction Education classes. Pass this class and maybe your minor crime is paid in full. And lastly we all know the ever-loving slap on the wrist†¦Ã¢â‚¬ COMMUNITY SERVICE†. Unfortunately I am not rich enough to know too much about this sort of punishment. Saw it on TV. but doubtfully will never experience it. This program can consist of cleaning up your freeway or being on a television sitcom. Whatever the judge feels like. So there you have it, a cornucopia of mental solutions for the inexperienced or novice criminal. Truth be told when mankind puts it’s collective minds together, they don’t do half bad. Now while the idea here is not to have a one-size-fits-all mentality, it is necessary to have programs readily available to keep the â€Å"Eigth Amendment† in the spirit it was intended. Unlike other societies around the world who have neither the time nor the inclination to fit the punishment to the crime, we have come up with a rather strong argument for why these â€Å"Programs† need to be implemented. For one they free up tax payer dollars. Another argument could be made it doesn’t create a career criminal which housing someone in with other career criminals could create. ( I couldn’t find exact evidence of this in my research but I strongly believe it and believe evidence does exist to corroborate it ). But even more compelling is the compassion of it. Now statistics could be made to say anything and while researching the topic of â€Å"Statistics of alternative sentencing† I came away with so much conflicting data I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. But it doesn’t stop me from coming to conclusions of what I read. Inasmuch as some say Alternative Sentencing is a farce and a waste of time, some important statistics did jump out. Alternative Sentencing produces much less repeat offenders. Now if you consider the types of crimes that are committed that receive alternative sentencing you could call that rubbish. But there is real meat in there and that has to be considered. It would matter not the category, if you get less repeat offenders, something has to be working. That is just plain common sense. Now where we can offer these programs where I think statistics would lead us is obviously the addicted. Unfortunately we have made addiction a crime. The use of illegal narcotics while is arguable in and of itself creates an instant criminal. While it might be easier to separate the â€Å"salesman† from the buyer never-the-less they both are criminals in the courts of our land. So here we are with a person who has stolen nothing, injured no one save his or herself and in a moment of weakness that person is now a criminal. Well for a crime like that would it make sense to put that person in prison? Don’t even ask yourself that ridiculous question, because right now in this country alone the prisons are filled with them. Now I don’t argue that after the person falls into the addiction usually bad things happen. Addicted people are famous for doing what they need to or have to; to continue on the addicted path. For those who use their addiction as an excuse to forgo any self control, well depending on the degree it leads to will depend upon where in the criminal justice system they land. But this does not deter my argument that drug addiction in itself isn’t criminal. So a reasonable mind would have to come up with a reasonable reward for such an action and â€Å"Alternative Sentencing fits that bill nicely. For crimes which society deem to be harmless enough Alternative Sentencing and Diversion must play the central role. It is fruitless and inhumane to do otherwise. In the case where rehabilitation is the keyword in all of criminal justice; over reaction to and heavy handedness to sentencing does nothing to help someone who has made a redeemable mistake. Humans will for the most part like an airplane be off course most of their destination, while making the final corrections just before their landing. It makes sense to be understanding of human behavior and use the rewards of the justice system to merit the crime, so that people who have a chance for rehabilitation are in an environment where they can feel like they can be redeemed. Over reaction and heavy handedness by judges is just as damaging as leniency. It has it’s place and wise men have done society a great justice in making sure we do not create a vengeful creature out of a minor mistake. Whether or not the system is working to the best of it’s creators hopes is not the real question here. The real question is, what would it be like without Alternative Sentencing? That is not an answer I would look forward to hearing. Research Papers on Alternative SentencingCapital PunishmentQuebec and CanadaThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenGenetic EngineeringNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceTrailblazing by Eric AndersonPETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Spring and Autumn

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Hi Im QUang Essays

Hi Im QUang Essays Hi Im QUang Essay Hi Im QUang Essay What have been the key success factors for Coca-Cola? There are many factors contributing to Coca-Colas success, however, I believe that their key success factors are Marketing and Innovation . Marketing: Coca-Cola is seen as one of the founding fathers of the modern day marketing model. They were among the pioneers of advertising techniques and styles used to capture an audience. They were also one of the first companies to offer a gimmick with their product, this being a mini yo- yo. It was around 1900 when Coca-Cola began presenting their signature drink as a delicious and refreshing formula. This slogan has been repeated for over the last 100 years selling Coke all over the world. Through its intense marketing campaigns, Coke has developed an image that is reflected in what we think of when we buy Coke and what we associate with drinking Coke. This image has been subconsciously installed in our brain by the advertising campaigns that show Coca-Cola associated with good times. nnovation: Coca-Cola has been able to survive and grow in an ever-changing market because of its ability to systematically innovate and deliver new products. In the late 90s the company, typically showing earnings growth of 5-20% per year, turned in three straight years of falling profits. It was apparent that the market was changing and in order to keep up with these changes, Coca-Cola had to move from a single core product to a total beverage company. Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable brands around the globe. Having established a leading brand that fascinates consumers all over the world, Coca-Cola is widely regarded as one of the most booming organizations having achieved huge branding success. Achieving Brand Reinvention A key element of Coca-Colas success can be certainly attributed to its branding strategies. Since 1866 that it started its operations until today that is a powerful, globally known corporation, the companys brand development strategies constantly raise consumer interest and remain highly competitive. Having achieved impressive brand loyalty through continuous reinvention of its brand and focus on brand enhancement, Coca-Cola is, without any doubt, the leading non-alcoholic beverage company in the world. Focusing on Consumer Sophistication Its branding strategies focus on the changing market realities and consumer sophistication that requires different approach and brand redesigning. In the early ears, the company focused on making the brand affordable, available and acceptable in the aim of establishing a brand that would be instantly recognizable and highly appreciated in consumers minds. Over the years, and in an effort to adjust its branding strategies to the new consumer demands, Coca-Cola focused on building brand identity by offering value for price, differentiation to meet consumer preferences (preference), and pervasive penetration. Today, by testing at least 20 different brands on a monthly basis on a sample of 4,000 consumers, Coca-Cola is a corporation with strong brand identity and brand image. Evaluating Consumer Response to evaluate consumer perception and find out what consumers believe about its products. Consumers relate particular brands with particular symbols and promises that need to be met. Similarly, Coca-Cola is related to a particular level of customer satisfaction that is determined by the collective memory of its target audience. Achieving Strategic Consensus Another important aspect of Coca-Colas branding strategies is the fact that strong brands make great sales and increase their revenues. However, Coca-Cola has taken the extra mile by building a brand that has managed to increase sustainable sales by ttracting and retaining the best human capital and investing in employee relations and customer relation management. This has enabled the corporation not only to achieve strategic consensus and alignment at all organizational levels, but also to trigger positive feelings in consumers minds. Building Brand Loyalty Finally, strong brand image is related to brand loyalty. The more consumer demands are satisfied, the more consumers are attached to a brand and retained by default. Also, Coca-Colas brand image entails the purchase frequency that is boosted by effective advertising campaigns and marketing strategies. In doing so, the orporation expands its customer base and enhances customer loyalty by meeting customer needs and raising customer satisfaction. In conclusion, Coca-Cola is a successful product, not only because it has built a recognizable logo and brand name, but mostly because it has managed to position its brand in a way that takes advantage of all the elements of marketing mix, i. e. product, place price and promotion/distribution. In doing so, it achieves to develop a brand personality and distinguish itself from competition, while offering consumers a clear view of its brand values. This leads to increased brand loyalty and satisfaction.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Surrealism Movements Reflectd on Scarlett Street Essay

Surrealism Movements Reflectd on Scarlett Street - Essay Example The essay "Surrealism Movements Reflectd on Scarlett Street" concerns the surrealism movement and the Scarlett Street film. According to the surrealist manifesto, surrealism could be defined as the following: â€Å". Psychic ultimate is an, by which one proposes to express, either verbally, in writing, or by any other manner, the real functioning of thought. Dictation of thought in the absence of all control exercised by reason, outside of all aesthetic and moral preoccupation†. It is the latter part of this particular definition that will be leveraged with regards to seeking to explain the levels of surrealism that are evidenced within the film. In effect, it is this â€Å"dictation of thought in the absence of all control exercised by reason, outside of all asked that he and moral preoccupation† that best defines the Surrealism represented in â€Å"Scarlet Street†. One could effectively argue the fact that if surrealism is constrained by anything, it is constra ined by impulse. The derivation and impacts that this level of impulse provides within the film is evidenced within nearly each and every plot device. The impulse that first guy and encourages Christopher Cross to engage the â€Å"assailant† of Kitty is precisely this; nothing more than an impulse. In very much the same way the otherwise â€Å"immoral† relationship that develops between Kitty and Chris as the film progresses can very much be understood within the context of surrealism; especially as it took place within an era that was defined by norms of behavior.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Depression is just a woman's thing. Discuss Essay

Depression is just a woman's thing. Discuss - Essay Example Animals do not have mind and therefore cannot suffer from mental sickness. They are only liable to biological sickness, and this can be properly taken care of by the veterinary doctors. Because of the presence of the mind, man can suffer from depression. In this study, we are going to look into the meaning of depression with an attempt to probe the causes, as well as the symptoms. We are also going to look at certain factors that determine depression as well as how it occurs in the two genders; male and female. What is depression? Depression is a period when one feels sad and anxious with symptoms such as extreme sadness and lack of sleep. It is normal for a person to feel sad or disappointed in life. This is not something that should give one a major concern, but something is really wrong when such feelings exceed more than two weeks. (What is depression? 2005). It becomes a sign that someone is suffering from depression. Hence, temporary feeling of sadness cannot be called depressi on because it does not have a medical concern, but major depression is something that needs a medical attention. This is because of its drastic effect on the whole person both psychologically and physically. In Britain, 1 out of 4 people experiences depression in any given year. This is the statistics that is commonly quoted in the United Kingdom. It has the most research evidence which is largely supported by a study published in 1980, and updated in 1992. The statistics received a further support from the result of all the three Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys. Below is a breakdown of the treatment which those who experience mental health in the United Kingdom will seek and get 300 people out of every 1,000 will experience depression in Britain 230 of these number will visit GP 102 of these are likely to be diagnosed as having mental problems 24 of these people will get a referral to a specialist psychiatric hospital 6 will become patients that are fully admitted to in psychia tric hospitals (mental health facts and statistics, 2003). Symptoms of depression According to the research carried out by the National Institute of Mental Health, people suffering from depression have various symptoms according to the severity of their depression. Some symptoms are more severe than others. How long the depression lasts will equally affect the symptoms of the depressive disorder. How long depression will last in a person equally depends on how the person is ready to cope with treatments. Nonetheless, below are the common symptoms that characterize depression. Having difficulty in concentration, memory, and making decisions Feeling of fatigue and constant decrease in energy Feeling guilty, worthlessness, hopelessness, pessimism and helplessness Insomnia or difficulty to sleep, hypomania or an excessive sleeping, waking up early in the morning Feeling of irritability and restlessness Losing interest in activities or hobbies which one hitherto has interest. This might include sex Over-indulgence in eating or loss of appetite Total loss of pleasure Having a persistent aches or pains, having headaches, digestive problems or stomach aches especially the ones that do not ease even when treated Feeling of emptiness Persistent sadness Having a suicide attempt or constant thought of suicide These symptoms are not limited to depression since they could be symptoms of other disorders other than depression, but it must be admitted that generally, they

Monday, November 18, 2019

Custom Building of an IT Infrastructure of an Organization Assignment

Custom Building of an IT Infrastructure of an Organization - Assignment Example In other words, customization helps an organization to get the right tool for the right job.   Once the organization has come to an understanding with the IT department too custom build the IT infrastructure, there are various methods which can be of great help in achieving this. Some of these methods are as explained below.   There is this famous saying that says: â€Å"if you can’t beat them, join them.† You can never defeat an expert in his own game, so, the only constructive choice that you have is to seek out his expertise to improve the way you handle your operations. This method of building your IT infrastructure is the best so far since in as much you get expert advice on how you can solve your problems with their diverse experience and knowledge; they will give you different alternatives and then help you in deciding the right avenue for your organization. One of the advantages that make this method stand out is that experts will never go wrong in helping you to decide for your organization (this statement is only true if you let them understand your business’ operations). The disadvantage of this method is that experts are always expensive to hire or consult.   One of the greatest assets that a company can have when it comes to technology is the IT department.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Smart Sensor Stick For Blind Information Technology Essay

Smart Sensor Stick For Blind Information Technology Essay The issue that needed most attention when dealing with problems faced by 90 of blind people in society is lack of sense of direction . Considering this sensitive issue, I have decided to present this report to the company on need-base analysis for Smart Sensor Stick for Blind, based on companys predefined criteria. This design after improvements and modifications would also be able to guide a person to park his car safely. In addition we would test our design against sustainability criteria and core stratifies for set of advantages and disadvantages associated. Specification This project aims to equip a blind person with an audible signal, signaling for an obstacle at a distance. This would give a blind person confidence taking right decisions. A sensor is mounted on the lower end of the stick which could sense an obstacle from a distance. Another sensor could hear the incoming sounds like of a ghastly approaching car and send to microcontroller. Microcontroller send signal to the speaker from where the blind person would hear and small chip on the blinds stick would decide to send an alarm to the person. The same should also be helpful for parking a car with accident based on the critical distance alarm. Design parameters Following are some design considerations in terms of design parameters and assumptions made for use and environment where would be working. Parameters Critical distance: 1 meter for both blind person movement and car parking Alert alarm: the microcontroller should decide and send warning to the blind person before he comes close to one meter of the obstacle. The same is applicable for the car parking guidance. Time period: the warning or alert system should take 1mili second or less for whole operation Cost: the system is very simple and should be very cheap. Modified parameters Design: the design is simple so that a layman is able to handle and operate it very easily. Additional parameters Energy-efficiency: it should meet guidelines of Green IT since it consumes low energy for longer life span. It only consists of low energy consuming sensor Mica2, it is shown in the Figure below and please refer to detail datasheet from the manufacturer Crossbow in the Appendix III (C r o s s b ow Te c h n o l o g y, 2008). Figure : MIca2 mote (C r o s s b ow Te c h n o l o g y, 2008) Safety: since it would be used by special people so it should be harmless in design. For example, should not produce electric shock or sharp edges. Reliability: we had added an extra sensor in the earlier design in order to make it more reliable, in case one fails other take charge. But one is made active other passive in line with energy efficiency design parameter as discussed above. Assumptions Following are underlining assumptions are used in order to better test and use the product in real scenarios. 1 meter is enough distance for a person moving at an average speed to take his decision to safety. The person is not duff so that product is best used, so it works well for people with blindness problem only. The warning distance for parking a car is 2 meter which is sufficient for car being parked at a normal speed. As the improved design would be solar energy supported we suppose that there is abundant supply of sunlight. Description of the Final Design This project aims to provide audible signals to the blind person to direct them to make decisions based on reliable information, so that they are directed to the safe path by avoiding the collisions after equipping them with the above mentioned system. Design description In order to design the above product as shown in the block diagram in Figure 1, we mounted two sensors on the stick (i.e. while stick used by the blind), one on lower end and other on the middle. The similar diagram in provided in the appendix I, as used in another work (Technologies, 2010). This is done primarily to achieve the reliability in case of one of the sensors get fail. This sensor is able to sense the obstacle from 10 meters and sends the signal to microcontroller. After receiving the signal the microcontroller plays an alarm or alert so that person holding the stick comes to know that there is hurdle in front of him and he should change the course until he is able to fine a free way (Rajendra Prasad Mahapatra, 2009). Similarly, this system can be mounted on a car with one sensor in front and other back of the car. Block diagram Following a simple block diagram for our modified design is given below: Obstacle Sensor 1 Obstacle Sensor 2 Distance Meter Decision Microcontroller Specked Power Source Figure : Block diagram Pseudo code Here we have shown a simple pseudo code for functioning of above design. While (signal) //search for signal { if (mode==1) { blind-mode)} // see for operation mode Else (parking-mode) Send (signal) // send alarm to controller to send alarm to speaker Microcontroller (signal){ Alert-alarm} } } do; Figure : Pseudocode for system design Design evaluation In this section, we will give critical evolution of the current product and give recommendations based on the suggested modifications and improvements. Discussion As per detailed analysis and considerations we have find out the current design need improvements. These improvements have been are in the form of previous design modifications and some additional features. These changes will make the final product more reliable, environment friendly, and safe to handle and operate. Recommendations An extra sensor is needed to be added in order to add reliability. Since, failure of device could endanger the person holding it. It wound compromise the energy efficiency, as we suggest making one of sensor in active mode and other in passive. It would take charge of signaling an obstacle as soon then first one fails. The overall modified design would meet the Green IT standards to safe energy and run so be cost effective. It has been noticed that an electronic device during its life time consume more energy-bill than it was used to buy it. It will be operated on two Mica2 (Please refer to the appendix III for datasheet) motes running on single battery and one active at time. The device should be able to handle two modes of operation; namely, blind-mode and parking-mode. It should switch between two modes with just single click of button. The transfer from one mode to another mode is made as transparent as possible. Another important modification in current design is safety procedures so make sure that device safe to be operated by a special person. The device is steel made for durability but with plastic cover to avoid injury. Moreover, since it operates though on small power supply should be eclectic shock proof since it has plastic and rubber cover. Sustainability Sustainability The sustainability in simple words is the, ability of the product to be sustained indefinitely (Design, 2004). Sustainable design The sustainable design can be defined as, The design of system that can be sustained indefinitely. And Sustainable product designed therefore be defined as, the design of the objects and sustainability of the systems in which they operate (Design, 2004). Now, we discuss Sustainability when considered against the primary factors, environmental or eco, financial, and social: Primary sustainability factors Following are three primary factor of sustainable product design: Environmental Sustainability Since bingeing, human have been destroying nature in order to conquer it. However, to achieve sustainability it is essential to accept the fact that human is dependent on the nature for their wellbeing and safety. Without a healthy natural environment, it is impossible to have healthy society and economy. The mistreatment of environment has resulted in a number of consequences that are posing immediate threat to society and economy. According to Edwin Datschefski all materials exist in closed loop systems (cycles), all energy comes from renewable sources (solar), no harmful substances are emitted (safe), and throughout the products life cycle it is no more than 10% of the resources used by an equivalent product in 1990 (efficient). The cyclic and solar system illustrated is illustrated in the Figure 3, as shown on the next page of this report. Environmental Sustainability Figure : the cyclic and solar system illustrated (Design, 2004) Financial Sustainability It is essential for two reasons, one that a businessman would pursue it if it is financially viable and second financial wealth is important for quality of life. However, on contrary they not need to be conflicting (Design, 2004). Carefully designing products within their business, social and environmental systems can result in a solution that have long term financial viability and consistently generate financial profits and wealth. A financially sustainable system has the following characteristics: Consistent revenue by meeting customer customized products Not rely on finite resources Increase profit margin by lowering cost Protect financial wellbeing of customers Not have any significant financial liabilities The following diagram in Figure 4, illustrate the different between a traditional business and a sustainable business. Figure : Business vs sustainable business Social Sustainability Sustainability is about creating and maintaining quality of life for the people, though environmental and social factors are important but they are sources to that end. Social sustainability involves protecting the mental and physical health of all stakeholders, encouraging community, treating all stakeholders fairly, and providing essential services. It is also important that essential services are effectively delivered to everyone who needs them. 10 relevant design strategies You are required to select 10 strategies from this list and outline why you believe each one you choose is relevant to your own final product design. Design business system first In order to make our product sustainable we have to try it in the integration with it business environment where it is to be deployed or used. In order to achieve this we have made certain assumptions about the testing environment. Clarity core function Consumers some time may not buy product for just sustainability function they need the manufacturer to focus on main functionality, some time they could ignore other benefits for the said. We have made sure that our product is good in itself not be sold with providing ice on the cake. Product service systems Typical aim of manufacturing is provide a high value product with low cost, by this often poor value to the customer. PSS is not new idea; it can offer substantial benefits to all the parties involved. This involves offering a service while lending them a product, not losing the ownership and has incentive to maximize product life cycle. Multi-functionalism In designing the product it would reduce product cost. In our system design we have provided with two functions in one product, i.e. blind-mode and parking-mode. Modularization We have taken care of this strategy as our product is designed in a way that it has two modules for two modes of functions and they can easily be fitted together to use either of the functions. Minimize material variety We have not taken care of this strategy since in our product design the two materials are used in manufacturing the product which offer other related benefits. For example, steal is used to made white stick durable and covered it with plastic to make it safe to be used by blind persons to avoid unwanted injuries. Low embodies energy materials All materials have energy consumption cost associated with them during manufacturing. We would use pre-manufactured material in our production of the final product to avoid this. Avoid glass Glass is often thought are environmentally friendly as it could be recycled, non-toxic, and manufactured from natural resources that are abundant. But due to its hardness it is difficult to recycle and inefficient to transport. Renewable energy In our final product design, we have suggested to use small solar panel with the blind stick or car in order to fulfill the green energy criteria. So the product would be self powered so that it make use of other attached benefits such as cost reduction and ease of use. Simplification Since our product is supposed to be used by we have made sure that product is simple enough to handles and maintained by hat person. The design is very simple and a novice can assemble it easily. Contribution to the primary factors In this section we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with above ten strategies in terms of three core strategies such as; economical, financial and social sustainability. Design business system first This strategy would help us deal with the deal with the social sustainability and eco and financial strategy indirectly since it would involve customer to design the product. Clarity core function The products with sustainable strategy are to replace the non sustainable product and manufacturer have the financial benefit but at the cost of paying environmental penalty. It has made sure the social sustainable strategy since it taken care of customers need is met. Product service systems Our product does not involve this service sine it involve increase use of energy and thus compromising other code design issues. Paybacks are slower and customers are tied to the conditions. Multi-functionalism It is eco friendly, since it would reduce the resources use and financially viable since it would increase our product demand. The customer has benefit of increased convenience and value for money. On the other hand drawback is the consumer may buy fewer products. Modularization Our product is eco friendly since it would reduce disposal of the product and by increasing the appeal for our customers they would repeat the business which gives us financial viability. It is social friendly since product has better taken care of customers needs over the life of the product as extended product life would offer good value for the money. It has draw also since increased product life cycle may reduce sales turn over. Minimize material variety It encourages recycling and increases the economy of sale with simplified logistics and reduced end life treatment cost. This could also result in using of inappropriate material leading to inefficiency and earlier disposal. Low embodies energy materials It would be eco friendly since it would reduce energy usage and financially beneficial since materials with low energy usage can be cheaper. Avoid glass It has reduces risk of injury to the waste disposal workers so is socially sustainable. Has financial benefit since it has reduced transport cost. And eco friendly as it avoid damage to the recycling facilities. The one environmental drawback is that its substitutes are even less desirable. Renewable energy It is eco friendly as it would discourage fossil fuel energy usage. It would give financial benefits as improved functionality would increase its demand. It is socially sustainable since product is mobile and never run out of battery. The disadvantages are increased units cost but are cheap in the long term usage. And product can be more bulky. Simplification The product would run longer and reduces waste and cost. Financial appeal is that it would reduce; development, manufacturing, and assembly costs. Socially sustainable since it is easy to be used by the bind person and made easier to meet our customers demand. The cons are that simplification may reduce functionality and efficiency. Financially simple products may be perceived as less valued. And social drawback is that simple products may be less capable of handling individual need. In our final design we have tried to lower the impact of related disadvantages of this strategy in order to increase the advantages. Conclusion We have studied the current designed according to the companys set criteria and suggested our modification and additions to make product more efficient and reliable. We have given our recommendations for new design and evaluated it against some sustainability strategies for its advantages and disadvantages and why the certain important design considerations were made. We have further evaluated the above ten strategies against financial, economical, and social core sustainable strategies to make use of related benefits it brings to us.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Time Machine :: essays research papers

As fabled as fairies and dryads, only slightly more scientific, the imaginary device referred to as the â€Å"time machine† has gained many prospective engineers over the years. Young boys ponder thoughts of returning to Jurassic times in a time machine of their own, while little girls dream of princesses in castles. Even as we grow older, we fancy that such an appliance might help us revoke that angry diatribe towards our boss, or take us back to yesterday when we bought that lotto ticket. Certainly, the contraption has procured a wonderful spot on our list of â€Å"Things I Wish Bill Gates Would Hurry Up And Design.† But who exactly was it that first conjured up such an idea? Most definitely not Bill Gates. In the late 1800s, H.G.Wells entertained many, as well as making a reputation for himself in the writing business, when he composed his â€Å"extraordinary voyage† The Time Machine. The Time Machine was perhaps the first book that allowed the world to accep t the thesis that seeing is not believing. Our â€Å"voyage† begins much like any other book of the 1800s, with many respectable people gathered together in a drawing room. Not only is it redundant, but it is the forecast of a positively boring book. However, we must remember that just as weather forecasts have a way of being uncannily incorrect, book forecasts are commonly wrong as well. There is a psychologist, a medical man, a very young man, Filby, a provincial mayor, our narrator, and the Time Traveller himself. The group listens rather skeptically as the Time Traveller attempts to convince them of the validity of such trekking, even when he presents them with a miniature replica of the time machine he claims to have built for himself in the laboratory. When the â€Å"mini-machine† seems to disappear in mid air, they pass it off as a clever party trick. However, the resolute scientist invites the group back for a second dinner party the following week where he hopes the true device will be completed. The following week, the assemblage returns only to find that their host is absent. Mid-way through the main course, the Time Traveller appears, looking rugged and distressed. After shoveling the entrà ©e into his mouth in a manner very much resembling a feasting lion, he sits to tell his story. The group listens intently as he divulges the details of his experience traveling to the year Eight Hundred and Two Thousand Seven Hundred and One A.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Theoretical Approach to Culture and the Study of Its Theory Essay

The concept of culture is a broad and elaborate subject that identifies with the common practices of different groups of people. Our textbook defines culture as the total pattern of human behavior and its products, embodied in thoughts, speech, action and artifacts. I personally view culture as a concept that helps us develop and identify within our own society, and societies of others. We see and experience culture everyday lives. It can be identified though groups in their beliefs, dress, language, traditions, music, food religion and â€Å"upbringing†. I personally come from a West Indian background, as my parents are from the Caribbean. Although I was born in America, foods I prepare are from Caribbean recipes. In my home calypso music is often played and if mother gets angry she begins to use words and put together words that would only make sense in our culture. Culture functions in such a way that is sociological, psychological and biological. For example sociologically, culture gives groups a sense of belonging. Psychologically groups of people create what they consider to be â€Å"normal behavioral patterns† that may be abnormal to one of a different cultural base. Culture functions biologically in the sense of reproducing their societies from generation to generation and the need for food and shelter to survive. We can tell someone of Asian decent not only by their physical traits, but also by their cultural practices. I believe our culture is embedded in us from the very beginning of our lives. From when we are babies our environment, family consciously and unconsciously molds us into learning a particular type of culture. Now more than ever because of technology and global diversity and integrations we see multiculturalism. This is where there is an acceptance of various cultures and the practice of more than one culture in people. There are significant differences in various cultural backgrounds, whether it’s Western or Eastern, but this is what makes culture ever evolving, continuously growing and intertwining. In the early stages some have tried to bring the connection between evolution and ethics. We have learned from theorists Charles Darwin who to life the theory of Human Evolution and natural selection, Sir Edwards B. Tylor who is noted for the concept of animism and Herbert Spencer whom is often linked to the phrase â€Å"Survival of the Fittest†. Charles Darwin was a pronounced and insightful theorist from the 18-19th century. What makes Charles Darwin best known is his theory of human evolution of man and natural selection. With Darwin’s human evolution, he came up with the concept that all like organisms came from simple form, which is â€Å"the origin of man†. In explaining Darwin’s theory of natural selection he believed more organisms are produced than can survive or reproduce. This creates an environment where they compete for resources and to reproduce successfully. His theory discloses some have successful genes/ traits and some do not. He believed the more powerful or successful traits/genes that are in organisms and ten passed on to offspring. The stronger traits are continuously passed on and as passed on lead to further success. Darwin believes these traits are â€Å"naturally selected†. In this way nature somehow selects traits that are more fitted for the various conditions in the environment in which they are in, these traits become and those traits tend to last over time. The steady accrual of the changing traits over an extended period of time in conjunction with a changing environment brings forth evolution. Hence linking to the phrase survival of the fittest. Over time as Darwin’s studies developed, he began to zoom in the links between animals and humans instincts. He was also convinced that organisms are all descended from common ancestors. To elaborate, he believed two organisms could be traced back through evolution at some point their linear will meet, and example would be human and chimpanzees. The success of Darwin’s theories lead to Darwinism which is the theory that all living things descended from an original common ancestor through natural selection and random variation without aid of intelligence or nonmaterial forces. Many theorists during Darwin’s concept and after used this as the foundation of their theories that they built on. Social Darwinism is where Darwin’s ideas were applied to society. Another cultural revolutionist or social Darwinists as they were referred to was Herbert Spencer. Hebert Spencer is well known for being an evolutionary theorists during the 1900s that took Darwin’ concepts of evolution to the next level. The phrase in which he is population for is â€Å"survival of the fittest† which as derived from Darwin’s concept of natural selection, but he indeed is the originator of this phrase. Spencer embraced Darwinism His theories also embodied Lamarckian and also saw selection as a means of maintaining human quality. When we hear survival of the fitness we think of possibly a battle in means of survival, but Spencer was more making reference to stronger species out living and out living the weaker ones and being able to increase and develop because of being stronger. He believed evolution evolving from simplest form to a more comprehensive form as in human beings, and that nature’s laws plays a role in the changes. Spencer also penned â€Å"Principles of Psychology† and stated that human minds were somehow linked to natural laws. What stood out to me about Spencer was his opposition in government assisting underclass. He was also against them from interjecting in economic and social affairs. He was against this because his view was it helped preserve the unfit or inferior people and assisted them in obtaining resources such as healthcare. He believed helping them would prove to be unbeneficial because it would only lead to them producing and/or reproducing more unfit people, possibly creating the â€Å"survival of the un-fittest†. He was adamant in thinking these people were lazy and did not want to work and assisting them would only enable them. In which the strong should prosper and the weak should be pushed aside Spencer also believed in individual competition and wanted to minimize government’s role in society to make survival only of stronger willed people. Lamarckism’s is the belief that organism pass on certain characteristics to offspring. Connected to his Lamarckian beliefs Herbert Spencer believed in a biological based hierarchy of races. He also believed as they grew they zoomed in on the â€Å"evolutionary history† of their race. To take this belief even further he believed characteristics even negative ones such as lying and stealing, from their race were passed down to children. Sir Edward Burnett Tylor fathered the currently accepted concept of animalism; he was influenced by Darwin’s theory of biological evolution. Development of culture and society from simple to complex forms. Europeans had sought to explain the existence of various â€Å"primitive† societies, some believing that such societies represented the lost tribes of Israel, others speculating that primitive peoples had degenerated since the time of Adam from an originally â€Å"barbarous† to an even lowlier â€Å"savage† state. European society was taken to epitomize the highest state of existence, â€Å"civilization. In the late 19th century, Edward Burnett Tylor and Lewis Henry Morgan elaborated the theory of unilinear evolution, specifying criteria for categorizing cultures according to their standing within a fixed system of growth of humanity as a whole and examining the modes and mechanisms of this growth. A widespread reaction followed; Franz Boas introduced the â€Å"culture history† approach, which concentrated on fieldwork among native peoples to identify actual cultural and historical processes rather than speculative stages of growth. Leslie White, Julian Steward, and others sought to revive aspects of sociocultural evolutionism, positing a progression ranging from bands and tribes at one end to chiefdoms and states at the other. More recently some anthropologists have adopted a general systems approach, examining cultures as emergent systems. Others continue to reject evolutionary thinking and look instead at historical contingencies, contacts with other cultures, and the operation of cultural symbol systems.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Cheerios †Theology Essay

Cheerios – Theology Essay Free Online Research Papers Cheerios Theology Essay My grandson’s response brought back memories of my childhood. Maybe that happens more often the older you get. My wife and I like to have some of our grandchildren’s favorite cereals on hand when they spend the night. When Elijah was asked what kind he wanted, he answered, â€Å"Cheerios, but the honey-nut kind.† He got his honey-nut cheerios. But I remembered how that was my favorite cereal when I was his age. Cheerios have been around a long time. I never did think much about the name until now. I just remembered how the advertising promoted the formation of muscles and strength for those who ate iron fortified Cheerios. Elijah is right though, now I also like Honey-nut Cheerios the best. I had a friend from England who was fond of using the expression â€Å"Cheerio† for goodbye. I thought that a little strange, but after some reflection, I tend to prefer that over goodbye. Unfortunately most Americans would consider you a little peculiar if you went around saying, â€Å"Cheerio.† Cheerio is actually a British, informal expression of good wishes on parting company. I like â€Å"Cheerio† much better than â€Å"Goodbye†. Goodbye sounds so final. Although originally, goodbye was â€Å"God be with you.† We don’t hear that expression much in our secularized society. So, â€Å"Cheerio†. I think Jesus had some British in him. He probably said, â€Å"Cheerio† a lot. At least he often used the expression, â€Å"Be of good cheer.† The New Oxford American Dictionary defines â€Å"cheer† as â€Å"2) give comfort or support to . . . also â€Å"Good cheer†, cheerfulness, optimism, or confidence causing happiness by its nature or appearance.† As never before, we live in a time when people need to hear â€Å"Be of good cheer†. This Father’s Day many children don’t have the memory or heritage of having a father present in their lives. Many fathers face an uncertain and insecure future. They wonder if there is hope and a future for them and their children. Many people try to find cheer in a shot glass, a bottle, a can, or a pill. â€Å"Newsweek† magazine reported the 65% of Americans are having trouble sleeping. They wake up with a black cloud of despair hanging over them. Millions are now medicating themselves just to find a small bit of relief. Jesus came to this earth to bring the Good News of hope, joy, and everlasting life. Jesus constantly told his followers to have â€Å"Good cheer†. In Matthew 14 we read the account of the disciples in a boat on the Sea of Galilee during an awful storm. The boat was battered by the winds and waves. Suddenly, they saw Jesus walking toward them on the water. They were terrified. They thought he was a ghost. Jesus called out to them, â€Å"Be of good cheer. It is I, be not afraid† (Matthew 14:27). I’ve wondered why Jesus used those particular words. â€Å"Be of good cheer.† Why would he say this to men who thought they were about to die? Remember the word cheer means â€Å"to be relieved, happy, released from fear†. In the disciples time of distress Jesus tied the word to his identity. â€Å"It is I – Be of good cheer, be not afraid† (Matthew 14:27). Jesus says, â€Å"I will never leave you or forsake you . . . I will be with you always.† If we will trust God and be of good cheer, fear, and the enemy of our soul will flee. How can we be of good cheer always? First – FEAR NOT. Jesus constantly urged his followers not to fear. When we become preoccupied with our problems, circumstances, and storms, fear will take us captive. Put your eyes of Jesus. Remember God’s promises. â€Å"That brings good tidings of good news; that publishes salvation; that says unto Zion, your God reigns!† (Isaiah 52:7) Be of good cheer! (John 16:33; Acts 17:22) Second – FORGET NOT His promises and benefits. When Israel forgot their Maker, fear of the enemy entered their hearts. (Isaiah 51:13) David told his soul not to forget God’s goodness, mercy, and benefits. (Psalm 103) Third – FAILED NOT. The Lord has never once failed His people. God cannot and will not fail you. (Psalm 37:24-25) Fourth – FOLLOW NOT the path of the proud, but the path of humility. Jesus set an example of humility. (Philippians 2) He taught that we must become as children. As we come into our teenage years, we begin to act like â€Å"sophisticated adults†. Jesus taught the blessing of childlike faith, love, and humility. (James 4:6-10) Fifth – FUSS NOT with the bustle and business of life. But fellowship daily and moment by moment with the Lord. Martha was busy about many things, but Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. Who do you think had more cheer, joy, love, and peace? Jesus said that Mary did. (Luke 10:38-41) Fellowship with Jesus brings cheer and true lasting satisfaction. Hear His call, â€Å"Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens unto me, I will come into him and sup with him and he with me† (Revelation 3:20) Cheerio! Be of good cheer! Research Papers on Cheerios - Theology EssayComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Spring and AutumnThe Hockey GamePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayHip-Hop is ArtAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationWhere Wild and West MeetCapital Punishment

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Social Security Disability Lawyers I Disability Attorneys of Michigan

Social Security Disability Lawyers I Disability Attorneys of Michigan Disability Attorneys of Michigan Help a Local Maintenance Worker Get Disability Benefits Mike was a maintenance worker for years, but suffered from severe leg and back pain. He needed medical treatments to control his pain, but his insurance company would not cover his treatments. Mike heard about Disability Attorneys of Michigan and called us for help.We fought to get Mike the disability benefits he deserved and in the end won him Medicare, which covered the cost of his monthly medical treatments.If you are unable to work due to a physical or mental disability call Disability Attorneys of Michigan at 800-949-2900. We will work hard to get you the disability benefits you need.Disability Attorneys of Michigan have helped thousands of people win the disability benefits they need. Living with a disability is hard enough, but without a regular income life is a real struggle.Call Disability Attorneys of Michigan for a free confidential consultation. We’ll let you know if we can help you get a monthly check. If we do not win your disability case, you owe us nothing. We only get paid if we win your disability benefits claim.Disability Attorneys of Michigan works hard every day helping the disabled of Michigan seek the disability benefits they need. If you are unable to work due to a physical, medical or mental disability, contact Disability Attorneys of Michigan now for a free consultation at 800-949- 2900.Let Michigan’s Leading Social Security Disability Law Firm Help You Get The Benefits You Deserve.Disability Attorneys of Michigan. Compassionate Excellence. DA Michigan, Disability Attorneys, Disability Attorneys of Michigan, Social Security Disability, social security disability attorneys, social security disability law firm, SSD Claim, SSD Law Firm

Monday, November 4, 2019

Review of lay literature article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Review of lay literature - Article Example The condition was the seventh leading cause of death in 2010.2 In addition, diabetes is expensive, as the government and the families of the affected often spend a lot of income in trying to provide high-quality healthcare services for their loved ones. Physical therapy, medication and proper diet together form the solution for treatment of diabetes. The project provides more insight into some of the mechanisms that prevent full-blown diabetes as well as most of the complications that come about due to the health condition. The article "Prediabetes? Get Yourself Moving but Do Not Jump Immediately to Drugs As an Answer", is highlighted in The Washington Post as of December 15, 2014. The article titled â€Å"Prediabetes? Get Yourself Moving but Do Not Jump Immediately to Drugs As an Answer†, appeared under the health and science section of The Washington Post on December 15th last year. In as much as the commentary was put together by Consumer Reports, the message delivered throughout the editorial seems apparent. The major argument in the article is that the occurrence of diabetes in the United States is high notably because close to a third of the adult population, which translates to around 86 million citizens, suffer from prediabetes. Prediabetes is a condition where the blood sugar level of a person is higher than the standard.1 The extraordinary prevalence of diabetes routinely comes about, for over 90% of those who suffer from prediabetes are not aware of it. The authors share the ideology that as prediabetics routinely embrace medication, the Federal Drug Administration has not availed any prediabetes drug in the market, implying that making such a call amounts to backing the wrong horse.1 Instead of embracing medication, the authors argue that changing an individual’s way of life and living healthy come in handy in reducing the risk of developing

Friday, November 1, 2019

Economic planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Economic planning - Essay Example In many of the developing nations, economic planning has become necessary tool for development strategy. It helps the government to initiate corrective measures about market failures and other decisions. In short economic planning is a governmental method to tackle the economic decision-making and economic outcomes. The aim of economic planning is also to rearrange the financial and manpower resources.The popular models of planning are:Input-Output models 2.Applied macroeconomic growth models3. Project appraisal in context with shadow prices and decision criteria.The development planning in practice does not prove fruitful in reality. This is because of the facts that the objectives are not well defined; the plans are over ambitious and the relevant data are insufficient or incorrect. The undesired circumstances may hamper the desired results of the plan. There are several factors, which affect the role of Government in the development. Some of them are: Requirement of education and employment issues, migration for employment between rural and urban areas, choice of techniques and creation of employment, structure of economy. In view of these issues, market liberalization has an upper edge over the administrative planning in the economic development. There has been an attempt to reduce the role of public sector and encourage the growth in private sector. (Michael P. Todaro)Development in a broad sense is an ambiguous concept and it is highly subjective, specific and widely debatable. ... Technology and Poverty: Technological up gradation has a direct impact on the employment and poverty of the country. In a developing economy goods are produced by the skilled and unskilled labour. The unskilled labours are the poor population of the country who are uneducated. Any technological progress increases the demand for skilled or educated labour and thus generates unemployment for the poor/uneducated people. Government has to take care of such advancements and efforts are required for the utilization of unskilled labours and the subsequent rise in their wages proportionate to those of skilled labours. (Maurizio Bussolo, John Whalley, OECD 2003) Public Health: The developing economies are facing the problem of widening the gap between rich and poor. The economic development has caused to rise the economic extremities. Out of the top ten poor countries of the developing economies, which are situated in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA), most of them have average GNI per capita of US$ 251. An average life expectancy of these nations is 43.9. The further health problems due to epidemics of HIV/AIDS may lower down the average life expectancy. Insufficient education level, low quality and insufficient food, inability to afford better healthcare services can produce weaker human resource. The weaker human resource has negative effect on the productivity of the country. Though the governments of the developing economies are making efforts to provide better health services and implementing projects to improve the quality of life of all sections of society, the results are not encouraging. (Inderscience) Climate Change: The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) proposed the participation of Developed